I join the Scottish power on 22 June 2023, I was paying my bills on time , my tariff was 30 p per unit, then in September 2023 at my address were registered different company , my account close, and my mpan was transferred to Valda energy, I was not aware about all, everything done by Scottish power, my last bill paid in October 2023 via d/d, in November beginning November new bill received from Scottish power under different company, I immediately call to Scottish power, they told my account is close, my provider is changed, i called many emails no respond from case worker Kevin, after many calls and emails I received email, which explain the provider change, was not aware about anything, I explain to new provider Valda energy this is my address and please bring back to Scottish power , after 14 days they did, Scottish power did not do nothing , then after my account came back to Scottish power Kevin put new account, account which was under x company which nothing to do with us, Scottish power put their debts and their account with higher tariff under our company name, not enough Kevin was assuring me it same as it was my original account, layers, i have all proofs, Kevin close my original account, asked many times to put my tariff under my original account, then Scottish power took 822 from my account, I have all meter readings which i always sending, but not the taken money also they sending emails to pay harassing, i have all my proofs, i get a lot of stress, the ombudsman still investigating, but I am receiving bill which calculated 41 pence per unit, i never agreed on this tariff, my complains were past to Kevin who is no honest person, plus this is radicular i a made complain about Keven and he is one responding to complin, can you see how they play the game, i have all my proofs even the ombudsman asked them not take any money while investigation they don t care the ignoring ombudsman and took money, i spoke with adviser from Scottish power she was regret she working for tis doggy company, she advised to call to the bank, this how this company treat the customers.