This is the most disgusting company you could ever deal with,we,moved into another house,electric was supplied by scottish power,we did not want to stay with them,because of stories we heard about the service,and wanted to stay with npower,we told scottish power They asked for meter reading,they sent a letter with bill on it,(final bill) it said we could pay online,but they wanted us to register with them, they were asking persona questions,which i did not want to i phoned up,they started to ask personal questions,i said i have the account number,i do not want to give personal i information out,but pay the bill,at last they said ok,she said type your card details into phone,i said i will tell you the dstails,she said no you have to put it into phone,i said im not doing that amd she hung up,so i went to bank to pay it in with slip.then 2 days later i got a phone call from them i said i have paid the bill,but he said i need your details,not account number.but started yet again to ask private details.i decided to just a oblige him,then the next day,i had a text asking me to phone,like a mug i phoned them,a and she knew who i was the computer must have picked my number up,guess what she wanted personel info yet again,i said the bill is paid.she said yes i know,its coming up now,and she hung up,so ignorant,i never lost my temper once,or got rude.they are absolute pigs with no manners,no training,they are a disgrace