When I first signed up for my driving lessons, I had an non speaking tutor, she was a lovely women but, I was having some serious difficulties with trying to understanding her accent which made my lessons all the more changelling. My intensions was to sign up with another driving school but when I conversed my issues about my instuctor the lady on the end of the line was very understanding, and rather than just letting me go, she recommened I try another instucture. So, having had my confidence restored, the lady recommend I try instructor Deborah Stevens (english speaking). On meeting Debbie, she warm and welcoming and made me feel totally at ease. Her step with me, was to show me the overall layout of the cotpit, lights, air conditioner, windows screen wipers etc. (something my previous tutor didn't show me, I was left to figure most of it out myself). Debbie's instructions were clear and to the point. She was very good at picking up were my faults laid, i.e directions, which she soon sorted out for me. Her level of patience was amazing, never once loosing her smile and beleive me we had some bumpy rides and serval mistakes hahaha! I found Debbie to be an excellent tutor. She was consitance with theory and techniques. Gave great advise on manuvers, i.e turning in the road, parrell parking and emergency stop. My level of improvement and confidence bounced, tripled within the first two lessons. I felt I could move moutains, believe me she gives you such a boost of confidence. At the end of each lesson Debbie would give me a copy of the driving assessment (coz I was always leaving my student book at home). She would go over my errors and explain where I would need to impove which she would encourage we'd go over in our next lesson. This helped me, to review my errors before my next lesson. I could go on and on about Debbie Stevens. Anyway, I took a total of ten lessons with Debbie, and passed my test first time thanks to my amazing tutor Debbie. I highly recommend Debbie Stevens, and if your having problems passing, its simple, ask for Debbie Stevens, she'll tell you when your ready to go for your test.