The WTC Group Limited SCAMMERS ‘R’ US
The WTC Group Limited trading as and are nothing more than a thinly veiled suspicious enterprise. They have all the appearance of a legitimate broker until they have you hooked, then their true colours shine through, they will lie, coheres, threaten, make false accusations and anything else to separate you from your money. They utilize aliases for their agents, a serviced office as an address in Cyprus, and are not registered with CySec a legal requirement in Cyprus, they call from random untraceable phone numbers, they are not regulated anywhere, and they are blacklisted by several regulators. The WTC Group Limited has no consideration for the law of the countries they trade in(Australia and Great Britain in particular) and openly break the law with an arrogant impunity due to their anonymity. They are clandestine in operation and dubious in intent. Do not risk your hard-earned money with this spurious enterprise they may steal from you!!!!
The WTC Group Limited play a good con and their agents are deceivers of the highest order, The WTC Group Limited utilize Anydesk to access your computer and while the agent is talking to you, his accomplice may be ransacking your computer’s data. They will convince you they are your friend and that they have your best interests at heart and then they will utilize the “friendship” to coheres you to invest more and more money from you. When you realize that they are the counter party to your trades you can see their real interests, when you make money they lose money, so they must ensure you lose money, that is their business model. All positive reviews online are suspect, they all follow the same format, all lies and deceit another WTC Group Limited trait.
In my case I made reasonable profits for the first few weeks then my account manager “Jeffery Goldman” had to go away for a couple of days unannounced and unexpected, and we were provided with a supposed senior account manager “Sam Fox”. Sam Fox carried out the WTC Group Limits standard procedure and set my account into negative balance overnight, they then demand more money to save your profits. The WTC Group Limited continue to ignore the account to ensure they have utilized all available funds, then they strike, closing the account at their discretion, and stealing all your money, in my case $140K USD on Xmas day.
The WTC Group Limited is nothing more than a well operated questionable enterprise whose sole purpose is to lose clients' money, if you doubt this and you have been tricked into starting a trading account try closing the account or withdrawing all your funds and you will see their true nature. You will be given endless excuses and fabricated reasons why you can’t have your money then they will change their contact details and reject your attempts to contact them. This is a standard WTC Group Limited operational method. They claim to be a legitimate broker, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha what a joke, no real address, no real phone numbers, aliases for their agents, seems more criminal organization than legitimate business.
The WTC Group Limited, will use ANY means to achieve their goal of obtaining your money. If you challenge their actions, they will shift into threaten and coheres mode and threaten legal action (no worries they won't divulge their real names or location, so no legal action) they will utilize insults and false accusation to try and dissuade any legal avenue, they accused me of blackmail and extortion because I had my lawyers sent them a notice of intent. If they can’t shake you off with threats, they will provide all your details to other scam artists to try and get yet more of your money through fake recovery agents. The WTC Group Limited is ONLY interested in misappropriating your money.
Their latest scam was to have their agents Domonic and Alex make contact and advise that a refund is to be made for agent misconduct, believable but not true, just another attempt to access personal information. When confronted they become belligerent and insulting, followed by threats and false accusations again. After twelve months of dispute, the WTC Group Limited refuse to respond in any way to allegations of theft and fraud, other than a non-verified denial and to issue threats. The WTC Group utilized fake news articles to induce Australians to utilize their service a clear breach of the Australian Securities Act, which the WTC Group Limited is aware of but just don’t care, their anonymity allows for their criminal activities to go unchecked.
After more than a year I am still receiving harassing phone calls and malicious emails originating from the WTC Group Limited and their criminal cronies. Entities that can provide my so called “security passcode.” Which was provided by the WTC Group Limited.