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I really love it a lot but I don’t understand why you only get a certain amount of treatments and why you have to wait a month to get another device. I have chronic migraines and sometimes need to use this daily. When I got my first device, I didn’t realize how much I would need it. I would much rather use this than my medicine, but only having a few treatments per device is crazy! There’s no way someone with chronic migraines can have true relief with only a few treatments every month. Maybe later on, they wouldn’t need it as much, but at first, you need it a ton and you aren’t given enough to make it through the month. Is there a scientific reason as to why you can’t use it more than a certain amount of uses per month? If I could’ve used mine as much as I needed it, I think my headaches would be much less by now, but they aren’t.
3 years ago
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