I have wanted a rhinoplasty since I can remember, particularly over the past 10 years. Not a day went by when I did not look at myself, or a photo and wish that I could have a different nose. I have done my research on and off for years, but never actually taken the plunge. I am now in my mid 20's, and settled in most aspects of my life, but I still found my nose got me down and affected my confidence overall. I would ask people to delete photos of me, and apart from a selfie which allowed me to control the angle of a photo, I hated any other photographs or videos of myself. I would look at people in the same room and go around analysing others noses, it felt like mine was the only one which was so bad to look at.
To begin with I was sceptical about going to Transform, when I did my research I wanted to go to an independent surgeon. I did all of my research based on the surgeon, not the clinic or brand and that is the best advice I could give anyone. I looked up surgeons to see if they had any (even one or two) bad reviews, it wasn’t a chance I was willing to take. I narrowed it down to 2 surgeons, one of whom was at Transform. I went for a consultation with both, and ended up choosing Mr Lahoud at transform. Although I could not find many reviews on him, all of those I found were outstanding, so I thought I would go for it as the consultation was free.
When I went for my original consultation at the Harley Street branch I was sceptical. I did not feel 100% comfortable with my co-ordinator and found she asked a few questions I was not comfortable answering. I then changed my clinic and had a very different experience. I wanted to book in with Mr Lahoud as soon as possible, so I opted to travel to the Maidstone clinic so I could see him (this is practically a 2 hour drive for me). I kept wondering if this was really worth it, and thought more and more about the other surgeon I had in mind.
When I arrived at Maidstone the staff were extremely friendly, and my co-ordinator Sally was great. They allowed me to be seen earlier as they realised I had travelled quite far to meet with Mr Lahoud.
I met with Mr Lahoud very briefly (probably 5 minutes or so) however from the moment I walked into the door he was making notes, and instead of asking what I wanted he told me what was possible with my face structure and how he could best balance the rest of my features. Strangely he came to the exact conclusion the other surgeon, without me having to say a word about if its what I was thinking until right at the end.
He said my septum was deviated and would be fixed in the process, and my nasal bump would be shaved down. In order to make the nose symmetrical it would need to be broken and reconstructed, and my tip lifted slightly. It was strange how he word for word gave the same opinion as another independent (much more expensive) surgeon. I was sold, this man new exactly what he was doing, he was clearly a pro. He knows that its about managing what is possible for the patient, and what will best suit whilst keeping results natural. He lived up to the expectation I had researched about, a good surgeon will do what they know will balance your features out not copy a photo you have brought in.
I booked in for my surgery date, and paid the deposit. After 10 years it was starting to feel real.
The day before the surgery it still didn’t sink in, it was only on the morning when I packed my things and had my dad take me over the the Brentford site that it began to feel real. I was welcomed by a nurse and taken to my room to get changed. The rooms were spacious,modern and had really good facilities. I got changed, and awaited for a nurse to come and check a few things. My dad came in and waited, he waited in my room while I was taken to the theatre. I began to get scared as I went up to the theatre, the nurse who escorted me could tell and tried to keep me distracted. As I entered the theatre and walked towards the bed I felt like I was on one of those tv shows and freaked out. Tears started to fall but the nurse held my hand and reassured me, she was really helpful. The nurse and aneshesiest made conversation to distract me, and the next thing you know I woke up in a room with my face bandaged.
I can’t describe the feeling, but what I do remember is a really dull headache, kind of like a severe hangover and not remembering what had happened the night before. I asked to see my dad and was taken back into my room.
I had an overnight stay, and what I was most impressed about what without fail I was checked on every 2 hours, even when I was asleep I heard someone come in to check. I do not remember being in much pain as I was taking painkillers, and anytime I felt uncomfortable I would press the buzzer and a nurse would ensure everything was okay. The night passed, and although I didn’t have the best nights sleep I managed to get a few hours in.
The next morning the nurse came in to check on me and it was the part I was dreading... the removal of the gauzes.... and it wasn’t so bad! I cant say it was pleasant, but rather than painful it was uncomfortable. I was given medication and an information pack and number to take home.
As I came home I was in bed for about a week, although I tried to get up and do things it was draining, and I tried not to strain myself. I was a lucky one and got away with absoloutely NO bruising, upon reccomendation from the Transform nurse to take arnica a week before. I couldn’t believe it, and I know everyone is different but I usually bruise very easily. It was clearly a sign of a great surgeon. I called the helpline maybe 4 times the first week, as small things worried me such as congestion, puss when changing my bandage and some leaks. The doctor on the helpline was always really helpful and reassured me.
A week on it was time to have my bandage taken off, this is when the change becomes real. Was the past week of a severe headache and lack of sleep going to be worth it?
I had always prepared myself to manage my own expectations, I didn't know what the outcome would be. I just knew I didn't like my side profile, so at a minimum thats all I wanted to be improved.
I went to Milton Keynes to have my bandage off, as its the closest clinic to me (so I have actually visited 4 sites of transform of which at 3 I had amazing experiences). My nurse Lola was lovely, and made me feel at ease. The cast prickled a bit as it was lifted, as I did have internal bruising underneath. I looked at myself and WOW. I didn’t hate it anymore, I had a great side profile, it was straighter and smaller... just how Dr Lahoud had said when he came in to see me after my surgery.
If these were my results with the swelling I couldnt wait to see it when it went down. I am now 2 months post op. I love my improved nose, and I have had a really simple recovery, with minimal disruptions. I cannot thank Mr Lahoud and Transform enough for keeping me at ease so far in the process, and being able to provide such a quality service at what really was a competetive price. I had independent quotes, some of which were double what I paid at Transform.
All in all I can’t thank Transform enough for changing my opinions on chain organisations and the amount of attention each individual client can get. I have had so many compliments on my nose, and how natural it looks. I now feel like a better, improved version of the old me. My confidence has grown, and I now look around a room and think “my nose is definately better.’ Something I never thought I would ever think!
Thank you to the kind nurse who kept me at ease in particular, although I cannot remember her name it will stick with me. Massive thanks to Mr Lahoud for doing an amazing job, you have truely changed my life!