Transform Cosmetic Surgery & Mr Persico: My Rhinoplasty & Breast Augmentation.
When I began doing research about rhinoplasty and breast augmentation I had no idea where to go and what surgeon to choose! I was debating between Transform and Mya. Transform was established in 1974 whereas Mya was established in just 2007. For this reason, I decided to go with Transform.
Although I do agree with the fact that every business has to start somewhere, I felt more comfortable going with Transform. However, a friend of mine has had a breast augmentation with Mya in 2014 herself and she personally has no complaints.
I booked a consultation with Transform and I was eagerly awaiting the day to ask all my questions I had written down! When the day arrived, my consultant suggested I meet with the surgeon Mr Persico, so I agreed and a few months later I met him. I was excited and nervous at the same time as I couldn't really find many reviews about him. There were more reviews about the breast augmentation procedure than there was with the rhinoplasty procedure. I found no where near enough information for me to feel reassured about Mr Persico anyhow. So the day came and when I met him at first I did get the impression that he was very rushed but also very professional. I was a 34DD beforehand and he told me I could possibly have up to 345cc implants inserted. My left breast was bigger than my right so he mentioned the possibility of inserting a different sized implant on the day of the operation in an attempt to try and even them out a bit. With regards to my nose, he had a look and told me he could refine my tip and remove the bump on my bridge. He did however mention that he may not be able to give me the "perfect" nose as it looked as if I had a deviated septum and he would know for sure when he was operating what would be possible. So this really worried me, this was my main concern and as I previously stated, I didn't find many reviews about him and his rhinoplasty procedures to feel reassured by him. During our meeting he shown me his before and after photos of his patients and I liked them - some of these before photos of people's noses looked more complicated than mine. He told me he could definitely improve the look of my nose but "perfection" may not be possible.
After so much research and time spent dwelling, I phoned up and booked my surgery for the 29TH of April 2015 (with both of the surgeries being on the same day, I had it cheaper this way due to only one fee for anaesthesia, nurses and hospital stay etc)
The months flew by and already it was the day of my operation! It never at one point felt real, I kept expecting something to crop up which would mean I wouldn't be getting the surgery. I felt like this until I seen my surgeon again on the day! I was escorted to my own ensuite room and asked to put on the lovely paper knickers, gown and surgical ted stockings. So as I was sat on the bed feeling a little more nervous but still waiting for my surgeon to "call in sick" my boyfriend was sat by the window and pointed out that some people were walking in. So I got up to look and it was Mr Persico!!
He came to see me shortly after and took some more before photos, answered any questions I had and went through what to expect again (after being told by a few different nurses before also).
He was not rushed at all this time and was very kind to me, which made me feel better. As he was leaving he informed me that I would be in theatre for around 9:30AM so I was counting down the 30 minutes until then. When the time came I was instructed by the nurse to put on plastic socks over my stockings to ensure I don't transfer any germs. And it was at this point it all hit me. I kissed my boyfriend goodbye and walked off with the nurse to theatre. As I walked into the room I sat down for a few minutes and felt as if all my nerves and anxiety from the months I should of been scared had arrived!! I was very nervous. I got up and walked into the operating room and everything was a bit of a blur, I vaguely recall seeing Mr Persico and all of the people around (I know there was a fair few, I just don't remember their faces) I think this was down to nerves as I do remember the lovely nurse who consoled me 30 seconds before I was to lay on the table! I had a little 3 second cry and then lay down holding her hand! I was nervous about having the cannula into my hand as I didn't want it to hurt going in but it was just like a short sharp feeling that was all, it was fine just uncomfortable. At this point they were asking me about what I like to do. Then all of a sudden I felt this feeling in my chest, it was like a cold tingly pressure type feeling so I asked what it was quickly knowing soon I was going to be asleep. She reassured me and told me it was normal and it was just the anaesthetic (This is something I would of liked to have known beforehand if I am honest) it didn't hurt and was not uncomfortable but if you don't know that something is "normal" then you tend to worry!!
Anyway, I obviously went under with no trouble and woke up what felt like minutes after. I'm not exactly sure of the time but I think it was around 12:30PM. I woke up in the recovery room and wasn't in any pain, I remember thinking that "if this is what drugs are like I LOVE THEM" haha joking of course! I was out of it and felt as if I was really tired and drowsy, kind of like my head was really light (I don't know why).
I was taken back to my room with my boyfriend and for the first few hours I was fine drifting in and out of sleep, had no pain whatsoever and then I just started to feel a little uncomfortable, but still no pain. I did throw up three times (shortly after waking up, a few hours later and then around 10PM) and if you knew me, you'd know I was the biggest most dramatic wimp ever about being sick. But it didn't bother me, I think because I knew to expect it I was okay. I had water, tissues and a sick box near me 247 so I was fine. It wasn't like them times where you feel sick hours before and finally throw up, I would feel sick instantly and a minute later I would throw up so just enough time for me to be aware it was going to happen.
I had to stay in hospital due to having two procedures at the same time. Reading back on this I feel as if I am definitely looking back thinking if it was easy because the hard part is over! It was not easy but not terrible either, there were so many times where I was fed up of the pressure in my head/nose, being stiff and uncomfortable from my chest and never mind having to sleep on my back and upright for two weeks! That was the worst! But considering that was my worst part, I would say it's 100% been worth it for me. Shortly after my surgery there were times where I thought "What have I done" but that didn't last. I felt like this the first night after my operation but I didn't tell anybody I just kept it to myself as I didn't want anybody to worry. Looking back now I think I felt this way because I was uncomfortable with my chest feeling tight and the pressure in my nose and to make it worse for me I didn't have my boyfriend with me overnight so that worried me. But the next day soon came and I was feeling okay. Before I was checked, the nurse told me there's a possibility I may have to stay another night as my blood pressure was very low so I was not happy! I would recommend to take fruit that's easy to eat with you as when I ate more, my blood pressure improved which enabled me to go home!! The only thing I could eat was the fruit salad I ordered off the menu and even then I only ate little bits because I knew I had to keep eating! I couldn't stomach milk, milkshakes and food like bread - they just either made me throw up or made me feel as if I was going to!
Finally, it was the 30TH of April and I was on my way home. On the way out of the building, me and my boyfriend were going to take the lift - we nearly took the wrong lift (the one which takes you to theatre and I DID NOT want to go back there haha).
I couldn't explain how much I wished for it to be the day after so I knew it would all be over and it would just be time for me to recover. I can't say what it would be like just having one of the procedures but if I had to give an opinion I would say my nose was the most uncomfortable the first few days and then the days afterwards my chest was the most uncomfortable as I couldn't push myself up. So I was very lucky to have my lovely boyfriend looking after me!
As I was improving, I became more curious about what my boobs looked like so on post-op day 3 I took my sports bra off to have a look and was very happy! When wearing the sports bra, my boobs look no different so I was worried they were going to be small but you can tell the size difference when taking the bra off (and also when the boobs settle more and aren't as hard, they look bigger then too)
10 days after my surgery I was booked to have my stitches/plaster/nose splint off and this was the moment I was so scared for, to see my nose!! All I kept thinking was the fact that Mr Persico told me that rhinoplasty is the hardest procedure to do. So, I didn't even look until I got into the car and I was surprised, it was loads better than what I expected!! It was still very swollen at the top of my nose (between my eyes) so from my side profile it looked a bit fat. But 6 days later and judging by the photos I took every day the swelling had gone down loads so I was very happy! The bump had completely gone and my tip was a lot tidier.
Also, I expect that I will be a size 34F after my surgery as at 22 days post op (today) this is the size bra I have on so I am happy with this too, although it's highly possible there will be some change with my size as the weeks go by and I recover more. I can still notice the size difference between each breast despite having 345cc in my smaller breast and 325cc in the bigger one. However it's still early days as I am only 3 weeks and 1 day post op today (today being 21ST May 2015) and for now I am very happy indeed with both my rhinoplasty and breast augmentation. Over the next few months I shall (hopefully) have even less swelling in both areas and continue to improve. I wanted to write this review for anybody looking for any information on Mr Persico as I would of greatly appreciated more information at the start of my journey.