Once this company has your money, trying to get through to them is a nightmare! You’ll hold for a minimum of 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, then, if your lucky, you’ll speak to someone that’ll tell you they’ll sort your issue out. In fact, remember to take names.
In my case, a simple name change! That simple name change took TWO MONTHS to sort out, several phone calls, two complaint emails to them (which I never received a response to using their ‘contact us’ link), a new passport, fast tracked (on their advice), costing me £142.00 and finally a threat to complain to ABTA! That did the trick and miraculously my name change was done in a couple of hours!!
The stress it caused me was unreal. Not knowing if it would all get sorted in time. I got told ‘take your marriage certificate, that SHOULD be enough’.
Not good enough when you’ve been told by your airline it WOULD NOT be enough! I HAD to have the same name on my ticket as my covid pass or they would not let me fly!
As if that’s not enough, after paying my full balance at the start, my credit card was absolutely hammered immediately after payment to TR… fortunately my bank did not honour the attempted fraud. The card was cancelled.
THEN, when I got my new fast tracked passport, in my married name, and scanned it over to TR, (they only had my maiden name prior to that), I get a ‘fraudulent’ call from some young guy pretending to be from my bank, asking for me by my MARRIED name!!! Weirdly, a day after scanning the new passport in my married name over to TR… coincidence?? My bank didn’t think so.
Obviously I told the idiot that if he really was from my bank he’d know the card had been cancelled already… he hung up of course!
So, if you want to book a trouble free holiday, without any stress should you need help at any stage, and potentially having your bank account cleared out, if they do have a glitch in their system, (which I did report to them), I’d avoid this company. They will not help you. Unless of course you threaten them with ABTA… but should you really have to take it that far….