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I bought 2 of these for both our sons,who were on the way to being heavy smokers,including the heavy cough etc.I keept on their backs to try to cut out smoking completely,as they were slowly killing themselves,and harming others around them. my wife and I packed in smoking over 30 years ago,and I swear that if I hadn't I would not be here now,as I was working double shifts and smoking 60 a day plus,to keep me awake,and my wife was smoking 20 a day! When we stopped their was nothing like these around,and it really was "cold turkey" as all that was available was chewing gum on an aversion therapy type system,where it made a cigarette taste awful if you smoked after chewing it! However we managed to overcome our cravings. With the VYPE our 1 son has managed to stop smoking normal cigarettes completely,and the other is well on his way to doing so as well. I have told them that they also need to apply WILLPOWER as well as the VYPE,as without that it can be all to easy to say to yourseLf,"I'll have JUST 1 MORE". But if you can look ahead to smokefree days,for you and everyone around you that can make the difference. After we packed in we saved enough money to buy a caravan in 6 months flat!! Buy one and try it,and convince yourself you need,and want to stop,and hold on to those thoughts,IT'S WORTH IT!!
9 years ago
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