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I was smoking between 20 to 25 hand rolled cigarettes per day. I have been smoking for about 34 years now with a brief 2.5 year break in 1999. I suffer from multiple health problems which end up with endless stress and anxiety, so the occasional ciggy has been a must. I thought about the VYPE e-pen for a few weeks before purchasing one at the local pharmacy. I do like the "Dark cherry" flavour refills and have found myself now using them all the time. I now have one "real" cigarette first thing in the morning and that's pretty much it! With a little patience after the evening meal and my VYPE in hand, I find I have cut down from the enormously expensive and smelly tobacco to a maximum of two a day. And that's almost instantly. With the VYPE, you just don't want a "real" cigarette. The only thing I have noticed is I now have a very loose smokers cough. I hope this is just the switch to a vapour from pure smoke. My sense of taste and smell are slowly returning to near normality. I'm now well on the way to being a non-smoker. This is honestly the best e-cigarette I have tested and the results are amazingly swift.
9 years ago
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