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Having smoked (tobacco), on and off, for maybe 15 years, I gave up smoking in the late 70s, following a health scare that turned out to be completely unrelated. Aside from a little digression in 2008 when I had a few cigarillos (6 or 7) during an extended visit with friends in N Spain, I have not smoked tobacco, nor have I missed it. However, what I did occasionally miss were a few of the peripheral aspects of smoking, e.g. handling a cigarette/cigar and puffing away, which might explain my recent decision to try out electronic cigarettes. Vype products clearly offer high quality, a good range of flavours and, importantly for me, the choice to not have nicotine content. I use the Vype ePen at most once or twice a day and it fully satisfies my simple requirements. Because of its design, the Vype ePen doesn't resemble a conventional cigarette and I'm sure that using one of these wouldn't induce anyone to start smoking, or go back to, tobacco smoking. Equally, for existing tobacco smokers, the grading of nicotine content should serve to help wean them off tobacco just as well as nicotine patches, gum etc. That said, perhaps the Vype eStick should also offer a nicotine-free option.
9 years ago
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