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Having not managed to kick the habit completely as intended when Intellicig shut down (after a few years of ordering vapouring equipment etc from them) I realised I still needed to vape from time to time in times of pressure and problems. I was apprehensive about buying from GoVype as I had been given a freeby of the epen before Intellicig closed down. I was not impressed. They seem to be on the market for rich people. However, when It came to the time that I needed my comforter again, I was drawn, once again to goVape's to trial their tank, as I had been impressed with Intellicigs service in the past. Am I glad I did. I know I've only had my new Tank 48 hrs, but I am very happy with it. I will soon order another battery & clearomiser. Good draw and good amount of vapour. Although I'm pleased to not have to wash the clearomiser any more, I'm gutted that they only have a life span of max 4 weeks. The Intellicig clearomiser used to last me around 6 weeks, so there will be more expense there ???? . I get the feeling that the eliquid is more expensive too? I realise that you were wise to provide 'flavoured' liquid for the general public, but I've never been keen on those, and providing these may have upped the cost there.
9 years ago
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