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Anthony Dance
I have given up cigarettes for 18 months. I have a dependency on nicotine which is why I choose to vape. I need an odourless fluid as my wife hates any fruit or tobacco smells. I buy your Vpure odourless from outlets in the Highcross Leicester and from another stall at Beaumont Leas also in Leicester. Over the last six months or so I have dreadful trouble trying to buy or order from these outlets and have had to make several trips into the City sometimes to be told they still don’t have any because none came with the order. As I need my nicotine fix this puts me in a vary vulnerable position and almost in a panic. On one occasion as I was going abroad I had to make four trips to both locations before I had enough to cover my holiday period. I estimate that I spent somewhere in the region of £15 to £20 ponds on parking in order to get 12 x 10ml bottles. So I am extatic to find that I can order direct from you. Ordered 22 bottles all received on time. Thank you
7 years ago
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