The narrative is: Warwick thought they could do a better job. This became an assertion that they are the Muhammad Ali of property management - we are the greatest - they declared. They never were of course, and the faster they grew the more they failed.
Now managing 1500 developments and 50,000 dwellings according to their latest self promoting video they ought to be far better and more organised than they are, but it seems they were just people having-a-go at managing, or perhaps the truth is closer to mismanaging more and more properties. How is it possible for a company that is so inept is allowed to handle tens of millions of their clients' money? The answer presumably is the myth of regulation and the abject failure of Parliament and UK's legal system once thought to be the standard for all the world to emulate.
Warwick are quite a dishonest company that has at times helped themselves to people's money. Most of the time they are merely telephone operators with fancy titles making calls to service providers to fix something that might not be broken had they done their jobs properly in the first place.
RICS are no longer a serious regulator, if they ever were, instead RICS are a member compensated organisation paying lip service to their code of conduct and sheltering their members. One way they do this is by keeping their investigations secret. In a recent RICS disciplinary hearing Warwick boasted of having the industry leading gold star risk management system, only RICS never asked to see it, so whether Warwick do or they don't cannot be determined, but they certainly know little or nothing about risk assessments.
Having abandoned residents of one building to several days without heating or hot water, and no fire detection or alarm system, and no emergency light system, they did not inform the residents of the circumstances. Asked if they had done a risk assessment they said they had not, and wondered why anyone would think they should have.
If fire detection and alarm systems can be allowed to be out of service, then they are not really needed in the first place, except we all know they are mandatory. On another occasion post Grenfell Tower they wired closed a smoke venting system in a block for at least 2 weeks and again failed to notify residents.
Warwick act as if they have been granted a royal prerogative so they can conduct themselves as if they are above the law, because that is exactly how they behave. Of course that means the landlord they represent also has wide contempt for the law. However it has to be said that for people to be able to violate the law year after year and get away with it, the law must be feeble to begin with, and the courts incapable of upholding the law, but first Parliament must have made a complete mess of writing laws that unenforceable and have no teeth, no serious monetary sanctions, no custodial sentences, and as if to prove the point about RICS, all existing regulators either can do nothing, will do nothing, or simply don't case. Presumably they all think, like Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson that the law is an ass or otherwise it is there to use against ordinary people, but the born-to-rule, the aristocracy and the wealthy and influential people of Britain are largely exempt. The Royal Family, it seems, is a much larger group of people than we imagined it to be. No wonder Prince Andrew has told the USA to get lost.
What could possibly result in Warwick year after year failing to produce those legally mandated sets of accounts for a development. There is a long list of possible explanations, but the most likely is they are simply drowning. They don't have enough people to do the work, and they lack competency in all kinds of ways. How many years? Well, three consecutive years at least, and almost certainly four. We'll know soon enough.
Warwick's internal disciplinary proceedings is a sham, it is there to make them look good, but it is simply unavailable, meaning you can complain all you like, they don't care, so don't waste your time.
Communication is key to every aspect of human life and good communications are essential in business, especially any business with more than one employee, but Warwick treats communications as a bit of a joke. They are not serious about communication. Ask a tough question and they probably won't reply at all. Ask them a question they find inconvenient and they will send some sort of irrelevant reply, or avoid answering directly, or resort to one of a list of excuses they no doubt have beside each computer terminal.
I think the measure of their contempt for the law is reflected in their continually daring us to take them to tribunal, something they consider a trivial matter, because, they say, they win 99% of their tribunal cases. They are presumably either lying, or otherwise surely they have to have tribunal panels in their pocket, what do you think?
Overall, the message to anyone who has never been involved with them is - you've been fortunate - but if you are considering them, don't, you'll regret it, and perhaps the more pertinent message is try to avoid becoming a leaseholder if it is the last thing you do.
In UK leasehold situations are toxic. Countries we would once have considered uncivilised, and more recently as emerging nations, do a much better job with their leasehold laws and protections of tenants, but then UK is not the competent four nations it once was, and the abject handling of our own epidemic version of the SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19 pandemic is as much proof of that as we require, unless we are afflicted by wilful blindness of course and like Trump think we've done the best job of any nation.
Leasehold - avoid like the plague … If unable, Warwick - avoid at all costs.