Great cards of an impressive quality, a company with plenty of good offers. All cards are excellent, good quality or even better paper, design very pleasing, creative, and full of emotion .
For many years, I used to buy cards from a shop called Mayther on Milson Street in Bath. But like many other good things, it disappeared during the 2020-2022 period during which a lot changed.
From the few cards I had left, I found out I could buy these cards from the Whistlefish website.
I went on it.
I ended up spending a couple of hours browsing through the many cards available, and I purchased quite a few more cards than I had intended.
Used to purchasing on the internet, I am impressed by the Whistlefish website:
- the huge choice of cards,
- and their really good design,
- the large range and choice of products such as boxes, wrappings, papers, gifts...,
- the incredible and recurring offers especially on week-ends.
- the few but reliable shipping options,
- the prices,
What really makes the difference is the way the website is organised, it is very user-friendly, it is easy to find what I am looking for and one can select different ways to sort the result of a search.
As a confirmation of my order, I receive an email listing all my cards, including a miniature picture of each one, or item ordered.
A company as I've rarely encountered on the internet, or anywhere else.