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I have three children (aged 10, 8 and 5) all of whom have used Maths Whizz, with the 5 year old starting recently. I like the fact that the maths is central: when you are doing maths, it's all about maths. There is "game-ification", but you have to earn points by doing maths in order to go into a separate "game" section. I have seen another product where the games are integrated into the maths, but the students end up focusing on the game and ignoring the corrections when they flash up at the end of the game. The maths is tailored to your child's ability. This means that if they don't like a task (usually because it's difficult for them), you can point to the fact that their assessments indicate that more is required. It also avoids the child repeating their areas of strength. The maths tuition is good. I've seen rival products that offer good testing, but there is no tuition, so you either have to teach your child or use the program for revision only. The games are popular: I've seen my children (particularly the youngest) being motivated to do maths because she wants to buy a monkey or feed it or whatever. Overall, I've found it expensive, but worth it.
6 years ago
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