Loyal Customer with Automatic Renewal in place, and aged 76, Birthday!
Lets discuss the increase at Management level.
“Well, even if his car, claims history, mileage pa etc etc doesnt change ,as in nothing changes, let us use inflation , prices going up,etc kin cetera, to push the envelope on price increases.
What do you think we can get away with ?
Well , the Automatic Renewal will catch out loads of the elderly, who expect fair play from Direct Line.
The rest of the elderly can complain all they like, we will just parrot a party line about Underwriters, repair costs, inflation etc.
So, do we think we can get away with a 70% like for like increase.?
What , an extra £180 pa for a person with a 75 % NCD?”
Yeah , go for it, Capitalism and Greed on Steroids.
Well , middle finger to you Direct Line, shameful corporate action.
I hope there are enough alert pensioners to reject your renewal and find a new company.
I will never,NEVER, use you again.