Nightmare experience, copious amounts of damaged items, damaged items replaced with more damaged items, one unit even arrived water damaged, very poor quality overall, the fitter blamed Howdens and Howdens blamed the fitter, I was left frustrated, stranded and unsupported in the middle, Jake Cornforth was an awful fitter, he didn't give Howdens a chance to replace all the damaged items and went ahead and installed no end of damaged items with chips and dents galore in my new kitchen, there was no pricing transparency, the depot investigated a complaint I raised internally which was not impartial, the business model puts the customer in the middle and unprotected between Howdens and the fitter, fitters with Howdens accounts need monitoring and scrutiny as the one we had was not good for the reasons outlined and because he also took almost three months on our refit, did not complete the work and would not put right the things he did, he showed hostility and annoyance towards me when I was only asking him to put right the poor jobs he did and said nothing was good enough for me disregarding my right for a good quality undamaged new kitchen, it was a very distressing experience, I wouldn't buy a Howdens kitchen again and can not recommend Howdens based on my experience, I suggest buyers please beware, it was a dreadful experience, and I noticed a culture that makes out the customer is being fussy and expecting too much, vast improvements are needed, having a kitchen refit should be pleasurable and existing but that was not the case, it was instead thwart with anguish and heartache, a sorry state of affairs and one I would hope no one else experiences.