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Apparently items are stated as being in stock they are NOT. After almost a month I canceled the order repeatedly, on 2/3, 2/5, 2/7, twice on 2/8 but OpticsPlanet sent the items anyway on 2/9 but it was too late. I purchased them elsewhere. I tried contacting OpticsPlanet via phone over and over, no answer. I left multiple messages. OpticsPlanet didn't return my calls or address the cancellations or my emails. Then I found OpticsPlanet reviews on the Internet. OpticsPlanet has a bad rap for not returning money and being incommunicado. I thought OpticsPlanet may have gone out of business. OpticsPlanet said the items were in stock. If so it shouldn't take almost a month to send them. It seems the cancellation got OpticsPlanet moving but OpticsPlanet still never returned any of my phone calls. OpticsPlanet emailed me and sent the items 9 days after the first cancellation saying I can return the items if I don't want them. So I did. OpticsPlanet did provided a prepaid return label. I still haven't heard anything from OpticsPlanet after the return but OpticsPlanet did send an email indicating they sent a credit to PayPal. I must note that the items I ordered from the other vendor were mailed in 2 days. To OpticsPlanet; don't act like you are going out of business when you are doing business.
4 years ago
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