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P Wilson
After spending £5,300 on a Sofology ‘Cavali’ sofa recently in the New Malden store, I expected, as anyone would, to have a comfortable sofa to sit on in the evening, after a hard day’s work. Well, very regrettably, this sofa is anything but comfortable. In fact, I can honestly say, my IKEA sofa, costing one sixth of the price, is far superior with regard to design and the level of comfort offered. When one sits on this Cavali sofa, the seat cushion forces one to roll to the side of the cushion, into the gap between the next seat on the module. Because the base of the modular seats are not firm or all the sane level - the edges/sides of the piece are lower than the interior, one rolls to the lowest part of the seat, which of course is the side. With regards to the corner section of the sofa, the base is shocking and one dips into a hole when stretched out .. at the part when the two modules join, (because of the lower part at each side). This results in a hugely uncomfortable sofa, and every visitor I have had over Christmas agrees what a ridiculously uncomfortable sofa and questions why I have not returned it thus far. This sofa is quite frankly and very honestly the most uncomfortable sofa I have ever had the misfortune to buy. I have contacted Sofology about this. Initially they ignored my email with it’s attached photos. When I called them to follow up, they did not want to listen, they just repeated their standard lines again and again (which I’m sure they spend all day every day doing!) .. They spoke over me not listening to my explanation until eventually, I managed to persuade them to send a technician around to investigate. The technician came today … he agreed the sofa seat cushions sloped to one side when sitting on them and agreed one does slide off it when seated. He also agreed it was badly designed. He also said I should never have been offered the hard foam cushion option for this sofa as these sofas fare much better with the feather/soft filled cushions. However, he also told me that because he was sent by Sofology to check if there was any ‘technical’ fault with the sofa such as actual springs and structure, he must report back there is no technical issues with the structure itself and that it was not his job to report design faults, although he agreed there certainly is a design fault and also agreed the foam cushions although they cost extra, should not be offered/sold with this particular sofa. So now, I must wait for his report to be submitted and Sofology are due to advise me accordingly within 72 hours. I will of course update this review when I receive an update from them. I intend to take this matter to the highest level, and fight for my consumer rights. Far too often does this type of thing happen in the U.K. and forks are getting away with it as most consumers do not know their rights. After spending £5,300 on a sofa, I expect to be able to sit on a cushion of the sofa and not roll down into a dip in between the seats. It’s quite frankly disgusting. Thank God for my law degree and my legal background in consumer rights, I intend having some fun with this … and going all the way to the proverbial cleaners with this company ‘Sofology’.
2 years ago
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