Ive had Years of Issues with this Mob after my divorce. Like all service providers to goverment departments and Agencies, they get wage Bonuses for hitting productivity Targets, inotherwords emptying the IN Tray at the end of the month. They Reports are only as good as they are TEAINED to be Report Writers, which they don't recieve Training for ? They listen, select the points and Facts they want to hear to support their opinion, and write the report accordingly. Their Report's are like DWP and CAPITA assessment Reports, Full of Errors and Omissions of Important Facts, They are Short and WISHY WASHY, Not Consise and Direct to the Point, OPEN TO INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATION so if Three people read the same report they would each come up with a different Descission. There is no Accountability just like the DWP etc. They are paid to "Review, Process, Resolve and Close Cases Down", and that's as simple as it gets.
They don't allow Recording because that would hold the Accountable for their Faliures. Not a bad Job for 64 Grand a Year ? Despite that they are Overworked and Understaffed and leave the profession in droves, Many of them formally worked for Social Services, and we all know how invpcompetant they have been since "BABBEY P" etc. Like all goverment departments like the NHS after a Death etc, "WE HAVE CHANGED AND PUT NEW PROCEEDURES IN PLACE SO THIS CAN NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN", and so it happens again and again.
After years of representing people in family divorce at the old Cambridge County Court, I found so may Errors , Omissions and issues in their Reports and Drew them across the Judge at the hearings, however they were only interested in setting up Residency and "PAIRENTING TIME", what we use to call "Contact". They still believe in the fact because the mother Carried, gave Birth and Life to the Babey / Child, they have a priority Neurological Biological Bond and there fore they are the Natural Pairent of choice and Cafcass will do anything and everything to support that opinion. Even though we now have Mutual Divorces without court hearings ?
I can't help but think WOMENS RIGHTS have Biastly influenced the core of Cafcass.
However, they also make some disastrous Contacts with Fathers where children have died ? So yet another "F'd up" organisation. I've also dealt with the CSA and then their transition to CMS, yet again the same staff and incompetace as just a Re Branding Smokescreen. Who are just as incompetant.