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So, I spend a lot of time on Facebook. For the last two or three months I have been exposed to commercials which informed me that Elon Musk has now created a new trading platform that relies on quantum computing and quantum AI and has an accuracy and success rate of 92%. Eventually, I thought, why not give it a try? After all, Elon Musk undisputedly is a very clever man indeed, based on all of his achievements. So, I decided to send Ventorus the minimum US$250 to get started after going through a process of ID identification, which was verified and cleared. I sent them the funds by credit card and it was received into my account at Ventorus. Later, I received a phone call from an individual called Ecem D. He spoke to me in Japanese because he assumed that I was Japanese because I live in Japan. After all, I set up my account from here in Japan. His Japanese ability was quite basic and inadequate. I can speak much better Japanese than he can. So, I asked him to speak to me in English, my mother tongue. His English language ability was also quite inadequate. He said he was Turkish and apologised for his language skills. He said he was in Japan, but I strongly believe that that was a lie. Judging from the loud music in the background it sounded as though he was at a disco/club. I complained that I couldn't hear his voice several times. He would ask me, "is that better now?" And I would say, yeah I can hear you now, and then he would start mumbling again and I wouldn't be able to hear him again, and so this continued several times. Eventually, he asked me if it was better now and I seemed to be able to hear him more clearly. He probably went into the toilets. Even though I didn't think so at the time, I wonder whether he was drunk or high on drugs! He then quickly told me how I should operate the Ventorus system. There was no discussion about what I wanted to invest in or anything like that. He just described what I was looking at on my screen and told me what to press and what figures to enter. So, as a result of this, I ended up putting a bid on the euro appreciating against the US dollar. It is important that I mention this also, that when I pressed the button, there was no reaction on the software. So, my automatic reaction was to press it again because I had assumed that I hadn't pressed it properly the first time because there was no noticeable reaction to me pressing it the first time. He then tells me over the phone that I had pressed it twice, so I had bought the same positions twice. Looking back at the situation now, at the point that he told me to buy euros against the dollar, the euro had not been that high since the 26th of July 2023. So his suggestion/recommendation to buy euros as an investment that they increased in value against the US dollar was total stupidity. So, to cut a long story short, I lost US$250 in the space of 36 hours, thanks to this idiot. Also, during this 36 hour period I was receiving many phone calls from UK telephone numbers by people who sounded (tandoori) Indian or Pakistani (sorry, I can't distinguish), and they were telling me that I needed to verify my ID with Ventorus, even though they had already approved my identity verification previously. They had no problem verifying my ID the first time round so that I could send them money, but once I had sent the money, they needed to further investigate the authenticity of my ID. Rather cheeky I thought. Maybe they were trying to find a reason why I couldn't withdraw money from my account with them. What do I think of Ventorus now? Put it this way, if I was in any big city in the world walking along the street and I saw somebody who looked slightly $#*!ed, showed him US$250 and ask him what he thought would be a good way to invest it, I would probably have more success than I have done with the idiots at Ventorus. What the people at Ventorus are doing has absolutely nothing to do with quantum computing or quantum AI. They are fraudsters and clowns. Their only qualifications are probably how to make a delicious curry or kebab. Never mind if they have ever been to school before or can read or write. If I were Elon Musk I would be very concerned about these clowns and idiots pulling his name and reputation through pig $#*!. So, it is after Valentine's Day 2024 now, and over a month ago after I had originally posted my appraisal of Ventorus on this platform, I received a phone call from the UK. The country code was +44 after all. A man calling himself Dimos explained to me that Ventorus wanted to have good relations with their clients and wanted me to remove my bad review of Ventorus. So, I thought about the situation. I said to him that if he re-charged my account with $250 and put me in touch with an English speaking advisor who knew what he was doing, I would remove the bad reviews. An easy request to fulfil, one would have assumed. He was apologetic but explained that there were no English speaking advisors available at the moment (strange, wouldn't you agree, considering that they are based out of the UK?). He continued that instead they would send $250 to my bank account if I gave them my bank details and signed an agreement with them. I thought about the proposal for a few moments and agreed. They sent me the documents to sign which I returned to them signed, and within 12 hours I had removed my bad reviews of them from the Internet. After a couple of days of not receiving the payment into my bank account, I sent them an email asking them what was going on, and they asked me to be patient because it would take 5 to 10 working days for the payment to be received. That was January 10th. It is now February 17th. I still have not received payment from them into my account. However, I did receive an email from them on February 12th telling me that the payment they made had bounced back after having not been received by my bank. An extremely likely story 🙄 Over the last month I have received many calls originating from the UK, considering that the country code was +44. The callers only spoke very inadequate "tandoori" Japanese. They could not speak English at all. They were asking me if I had "Elon Musked" yet. And if I hadn't so yet, would I like to "Elon Musk". And such nonsense. It is highly unlikely that any of these callers are based in the UK although the country code is displayed as +44, especially considering that none of them speak English at all (with exception to "Dimos"). It is much more likely that these calls originate from a call centre from a place like New Delhi or Mumbai and somehow the calls are redirected through the UK. Based on the level of Japanese that these callers could speak, I would assume that maybe they worked in the curry industry in Japan for two or three years before their visas ran out and they had to return to their own countries. These callers sound very desperate indeed, doing their very best to try and get you to send them your money. They must have extremely severe and unachievable quotas to reach. Life for these scammers must be very hard having to commute into the city balancing on the rooftop of a jampacked train burning under the fierce sun, trying not to fall off. Out of curiosity, I searched on the Internet for a company with a similar name and I came across a company called Venturis Capital (which appears to be a legitimate and honourable company), which must not be confused with the clowns and idiots that I am not finished with yet, Ventorus. Venturis is a clever name because it has similarity with words such as adventurous or joint-venture. So, Ventorus was obviously a similar sounding name with a slightly different spelling with the intention of deceiving people by association. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate had they had named themselves Vent'R'us ('vent' being a place from which wind or gas is passed from), or even better, Ventoris. Since Ventorus don't even seem to have the ability to perform a simple task such as an international bank transfer, need I say more. That doesn't say much for a company that promotes itself as a financial institution, does it? By the way, Ventorus is authorised and regulated by the Mwali International Services Authority (M.I.S.A.) of Comoros Island. A tiny island (probably a tax haven) located between Madagascar and Mozambique in South East Africa. And their official address is in Saint Lucia in South Africa, about 500 km north of Durban, again, probably another tax haven. Or should I say, lawless territories. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, the gyoo , who more likely than not has an Israeli passport, although he has no intention of going and living there any time soon nowadays, should be held responsible for taking advertising revenue from dubious, sophisticated scammer, con artists, criminals, who steal from potential investors who as a result get ripped off, just because he wants to slander his archrival Elon Musk. He should go to jail. Real jail, not Facebook jail.
1 year ago
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