“BefPrima di questi corsi, buttavo soldi sui mercati e speravo nel meglio. Ora, grazie al corso Advanced (Fundamental), so davvero cosa sto facendo. Non sono ancora ricco, ma almeno non sto più perdendo la camicia :)”
“The courses are priced very reasonably for the amount of knowledge you gain. I think adding bonus content or live Q&A sessions would add even more value. However, they are a great investment in your trading future!”
“Yo, people! The topic about fundamental analysis is top for me. I learned to read economic news and evaluate their impact on the market. But the material is outdated in places, especially on cryptocurrencies. I hope that they will update the info soon”
“Ah, the video sometimes shows very strangely, the sound is on, but the picture is frozen, please check this. Despite this issue, the content of the videos is great and very informative. It would be awesome if you could fix this glitch.”
“i don't often leave reviews so i'll write in short. it was worth it. yes, it took a lot of time and money but i don’t regret it. i can confidently say that this has made me more purposeful and i began to spend less money on all sorts of unnecessary things (i had problems with this in the past) now i'm focusing more on investing and my future. big deal for me.”
“Hace unos meses, al darme cuenta de que necesitaba más capital para convertirme en un trader exitoso, me adentré en el mundo de los futuros. Sin un entendimiento sólido de las estrategias para gestionar cuentas de evaluación, stops móviles y un comportamiento reactivo, parecía enfrentar un fracaso tras otro, casi mil veces. Fue entonces cuando empecé a buscar soluciones para aprender, abordar los problemas y llenar los vacíos en mi conocimiento. Salté los cursos para principiantes y me enfoqué en los más avanzados. Al menos aprendí a no arriesgar todo de una vez. Definitivamente quiero seguir en este camino, pero siento que he superado este nivel y quiero seguir avanzando. Sin embargo, su equipo merece mi más profundo agradecimiento, eso es indudable.”