“Stunning - the first Bible studies that I have truly looked forward to each day. I don’t myself having to use self-control to not read on to the next day.”
“I love all my Alabaster books. They help me understand the bible and more importantly, retain what I am reading. The artwork is a wonderful addition to that is included in every book. I am extremely happy with my books and will continue to add to my growing collection.”
“Quality package and product. I like the branding from the packaging and the look and structure of the content of the book best my imagination. Everyone NEEDS the Alabaster touch!”
“I love the intentionality of the art designs. I think these books could be a great introduction for an artistic person to see the beauty of God and help bring healing through the Scriptures to those who have been hurt. I have recommended the company to multiple friends but I do hope that in the future that the rest of the Bible is designed.”
“It took awhile to arrive but was worth the wait. A lovely Book of Psalms. The beauty of the volume makes the Psalms even more accessible that these scriptures already are. Thank you.”
“I bought Proverbs and Psalms and loved them so much - looked so forward to getting this book. I was disappointed when I opened the box and the book was so small and the writing equally small. I should have looked more closely when I ordered. Very disappointing…”
““All That is Made” is for anyone who is or would like to be “creative.” Really that could be any and all, as many people mistakenly think they are not creative. But this delightful book can encourage all of us, as God’s created beings, and we can benefit from the encouragement and blessing of this book.”
“I wanted to start reading the Bible but I admit, it was hard to understand. I came across Alabaster Co and purchased The Bible Study vol. 1, it was beautiful and it really helped me understand the word. I’m on vol.2 now.”
“Just received my first box and thought maybe it's a little to pricey for me,but this is how God works....In my box came the book Dream Big by Bob Goff. I started reading this book and it is everything I've been questioning God on for awhile now and what does He do... Sends me this book in my Alabaster Box! I Love you God and I Thank Alabaster! Looking forward to receiving my next box!”