Apex Hunting have a Customer Happiness Grade of B-. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service but are unhappy with their returns process and refunds.
Basic yet functional good price thankyou apex archery
- Shayne Smith
Quick, easy, on time. What more could you want, and all at a good price, too!
- Lee Hayes
Posted a few days after ordering. Fast courier one posted. Nicely packed. Great price
- Anonymous
All ways fast delivery and great prices
- Tony Bellingham
Fast delivery with tracking and package protection. Very happy with the purchase!
- Zafreen Rahman
Fast service and delivery good quality service
- Gary Carroll
I rang Apex Archery and asked if I could exchange the 12 inch for a 10 inch and was advised to refer to the returns policy, which unfortunately states that any items taken out of the packaging cannot be returned which I find a bit unfair, but I will sort a suitable solution myself.
- Thomas Brown
Wrong size recommendation. Will have to get a refund. As they do not fit.
- Andrew Robinson
Shipping . I payed express and items were picked two to three days later and still have not arrived I will be chasing a full refund on express payment. Everything else has been fine I like the product.
- Ragen Webb
The bow string snapped after 3 shots. Want refund
- Blake Smith
All good, great service.
- James Dorante
As always top notch service and products
- Michael Telfer
Apex Hunting very easy to purchase and great product and helpful customer service
- Jack Sykes