“Think carefully before you act. If you feel pressured into making a quick decision is playing on your emotions, don’t be afraid to say no. These tactics are a big red flag that the person you’re dealing with is a criminal. I rushed into buying and asicscryptominers.com successfully defrauded me by taking all i have and sent nothing.”
“Most of the online marketplaces are reputable, so they will help you to investigate the culprit and retrieve your stolen money or receive the product accordingly. But asicscryptominers.com is another story! They will deliver nothing after taking your resources.”
“If your order hasn't been delivered in time, like mine wasnt, you have the right to demand from asicscryptominers to take action and redeliver it, but from now i tell you that if you purchase from them you will never see your product too!”
“We imported 213 Goldshell ck box and since all came through perfectly, we want to appreciate their grate effort. Our order number is Order #8476 and it was perfect.”
“I hired a court advocate and sent a legal notice to asicscryptominers.com asking to take an immediate action about delivering my miner, because its not here after 3 months of waiting!”
“Fraudsters like asicscryptominers.com should always be reported so that no one else get scammed like i was. They took my cash without delivering the goods. What a shameful act.”
“I have been fooled with my money by paying for a good that this seller never ever sent. If you have any information about a crime, like one they used against me and you would prefer not to speak to police, you can call Crimestoppers anonymously to tell the story.”
“If you want to keep your cash in your pocket you should leave this site in time. I have sent them a certain amount of money and they didnt deliver anything in return for them.”
“Non delivery frauds often involve more than one country in order to make victims feel helpless and complicate investigations. Now i cant retrieve my money and the only things i can do are to warn you with review and contacting the FTC. I have done both.”
“Scams succeed because they look like the real thing and catch you off guard when you’re not expecting it. Scammers are getting smarter, thats why its likely that they will convince you, like they convinced me, to give them your money. No product delivered.”
“Before shopping online look at the sites reviews and feedback. Remember that it can be hard to confirm if reviews are authentic and unbiased – a seller could pay for good reviews, or select only positive reviews to display on their website.”
“Dont make the mistake of ordering anything fromasicscryptominers.com. They only want to get to your money, from then on they will not even reply or send anything.”
“Dont make the mistake i did, which was to purchase without reading the reviews. According to FTC asicscryptominers.com should have sent me the thing i bought in 30 days, but have it in mind that not all sellers play by the rules. I didnt receive anything.”