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"They tried to pay me my own money TO MAKE MY BAD REVIEWS GO AWAY on Trust pilot AND here!!! I reviewed them earlier this year, now I'm reviewing them again. It's clear that my one-star honest reviews of proof offended them. December 2024 they came back to me on their own right around Christmas and tried to get me to accept the money they stole from me to not talk about what happened. See proof below:"
Chelsea Deboer
"They tried to pay me my own money TO MAKE MY BAD REVIEWS GO AWAY on Trust pilot AND here!!! I reviewed them earlier this year, now I'm reviewing them again. It's clear that my one-star honest reviews of proof offended them. December 2024 they came back to me on their own right around Christmas and tried to get me to accept the money they stole from me to not talk about what happened. See proof below:"
Chelsea Deboer
"They tried to pay me my own money TO MAKE MY BAD REVIEWS GO AWAY on Trust pilot AND here!!! I reviewed them earlier this year, now I'm reviewing them again. It's clear that my one-star honest reviews of proof offended them. December 2024 they came back to me on their own right around Christmas and tried to get me to accept the money they stole from me to not talk about what happened. See proof below:"
Chelsea Deboer
"They tried to pay me my own money TO MAKE MY BAD REVIEWS GO AWAY on Trust pilot AND here!!! I reviewed them earlier this year, now I'm reviewing them again. It's clear that my one-star honest reviews of proof offended them. December 2024 they came back to me on their own right around Christmas and tried to get me to accept the money they stole from me to not talk about what happened. See proof below:"
Chelsea Deboer
"They tried to pay me my own money TO MAKE MY BAD REVIEWS GO AWAY on Trust pilot AND here!!! I reviewed them earlier this year, now I'm reviewing them again. It's clear that my one-star honest reviews of proof offended them. December 2024 they came back to me on their own right around Christmas and tried to get me to accept the money they stole from me to not talk about what happened. See proof below:"
Chelsea Deboer
"They tried to pay me my own money TO MAKE MY BAD REVIEWS GO AWAY on Trust pilot AND here!!! I reviewed them earlier this year, now I'm reviewing them again. It's clear that my one-star honest reviews of proof offended them. December 2024 they came back to me on their own right around Christmas and tried to get me to accept the money they stole from me to not talk about what happened. See proof below:"
Chelsea Deboer
"Ironically 3 (5) star reviews came in after my (1) star review that sing Trust Pilots praises so we know the reviews are scammed\/fake. Don\u2019t buy any of it.\r\n\r\nWas scammed by this business. They don\u2019t work in timely manner, they don\u2019t have professional teams that do an accurate job, they just really sucked. 6 months of waiting for something more than a lousy book cover that took them 3 minutes to design. They fired my point of contact, Sabrina, and left me hanging. Then they chase you for money, tell you money isn\u2019t an issue, don\u2019t return your texts\u2026lie about being in business meetings, they can\u2019t answer you properly about your book at all because they accept payment then don\u2019t do the work. I dare them to challenge me on this in a response so I can edit this review and show the internet proof of our conversations. With phone numbers attached.\r\n\r\nJust don\u2019t do it, they barely speak English honestly how could they know to write an English book to begin, my bad. They sent a poorly edited draft back because they don\u2019t know what they\u2019re doing. It\u2019s embarrassing for them, everything is just smoke & mirrors. Just stay clear of book writing businesses like this that are clout based pretending to cut your price in half and excite you for the dream of being an author. Writing a book is hard work don\u2019t trust these ppl to tell you it\u2019s easy and cheap and they got you. Forget it. Go look at how many \u201cfive star\u201d author reviews actually announcing book titles\u2026.they don\u2019t because the reviews aren\u2019t real."
Chelsea Deboer
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