“I appreciate how accessible this service is for working people that don't have time to see a psychiatrist regularly, it has helped me a great deal recently”
“It’s still early in my bright side therapy but it seems to be going well.
it certainly made sense to give 4 sessions a month for the same price rather than charging for more, though I assume bright side is still transitioning to this change because after my 2nd session of the month I tried to schedule another, admittedly kind of later than I should have, but it appeared that my therapist was booked up for a whole 20 days going into the next month. I believe it was June 22 when I went to schedule my 3rd session, knowing that I may not get a fourth this month but couldn’t get a session until July 12”
“Brightside has been life changing for me in such a short amount of time. I’m so thankful that this is an affordable option and something I can finally do for myself. Life saving.”
“For the money, I would not recommend it. You're paying over $100 a month to answer surveys, doctors do not respond in a timely manner, and insurance is not accepted. I was told in one email I would be charged a certain amount, but I was charged twice that much because the person responsible for answering the email didn't look into things on their end. Very disappointed that the charges were not reversed seeing as how I was given misinformation. I will be canceling as soon as I find a local doctor.”
“Brightside, has been extremely helpful for me. I appreciate the services that are provided. Thanks to brightside, I am feeling better than I felt in a long time.”
“The medication has helped me a lot already. I can see a huge difference and feel much more balanced. I'm pretty new to the therapy but I just haven't been motivated to do it. I've been making a lot of progress working on things on my own and whereas I'm sure that it's very helpful for a lot of people I'm just not sure that it's for me.”