“first I want to said is that the products has good quality materials and so comfortable i know for a fact i will be ordering this product again. once again thanks for speedy delivery, just in time for my trip for the St. Thomas>>>>”
“Ont me demande où je trouve les articles que je porte, je vous cite, très bon produit, je recherche une jupe blanche ( un peu évasée) pour assortir avec le chemisier bleu, bonne journée.”
“The order is good. I did not receive a packing slip in the order. What if I wanted to return something. I can't because there is NO return slip in the package. Last time I returned something I never received the size I asked for and it was difficult to get customer service to give me an address to return items. You need to do better with this.”
“I saw all the good reviews were marked invited
And bad reviews were not. So I was concerned. But…..
The products fitted my wife perfect. Small says 4 but my wife is 2. If that helps
Delivery was fine coming from overseas
Tracking was updated every other day from order, picking, packaging, shipping to delivery
Quality is great for price (intimates)”
“Everything I received was a good quality. Also, I appreciate that I receive this quicker than my last one. I almost didn’t come back to you because of the time it took to receive my last order. But this one here renewed my faith in you.”