If you have experienced substantial financial loss as a result of fraudulent investments, it is crucial to take prompt action. Prioritize conducting comprehensive research, validating the credential of any recovery service you may be considering, and obtaining recommendations from reliable sources before proceeding with their assistance. I have come across positive feedback about COVSECLTD*COM , which may be worth exploring.
posted 4 months ago
- Tim Burns
If you have experienced substantial financial loss as a result of fraudulent investments, it is crucial to take prompt action. Prioritize conducting comprehensive research, validating the credential of any recovery service you may be considering, and obtaining recommendations from reliable sources before proceeding with their assistance. I have come across positive feedback about B s b F o r e n s i c. c 0m , which may be worth exploring.
posted 7 months ago
- Wendy Roma
I am amazed reading through this site. I have just received a refund over the overpayments of my rates. How do folks run businesses now by not reading what is being offered. It was all pretty clear to me that there’s a fee for the service and how that’s paid. It took a while but expected.
posted 1 year ago
- Helen
fantastic service - just received notification from valuation office ccaservice this morning that my rates value has reduced from £19,500 to £12,750 and it means i am going to get back most of the money i have every spent on paying rates.
posted 3 years ago
- Seref
Wonderful outcome and great service.
posted 3 years ago
- Anonymous
Great Company, after contacting Clements Agency in January to get them to look at my rates as I felt I was paying far more than other local businesses I was so pleased with their service. I ended up with a rate reduction and money back. So pleased with their professionalism and would definitely urge anyone to use their services.
posted 3 years ago
- Ali
this turned out to be an excellenet investment. I not only had a reduction but they managed to access grants and reliefs due to the reduction and now my business is able to stay afloat. the team were helpful with the tricky regsitering with the government gateway and kept me updated. i had used another company some years ago and had got nothing so i was dubious but this was an entirely different service and result and would highy recommend
posted 3 years ago
- mandy