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Cvmaker Reviews

1.1 Rating 192 Reviews
2 %
of reviewers recommend Cvmaker

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
WORSE WEBSITES. Not only do they take the 2.89 but after a few dag they charge you 19 freaking dollars WITHOUT EVEN TELLING YOU. There was no freaking mention of 19 dollars
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Posted 2 years ago
They charge money from you without consent, paying a subscription that you did’ allowed.
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Posted 2 years ago
Fara abonare, te taxeaza dupa 7 zile automat.
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Posted 2 years ago
They charge without consent!!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Am pățit ce au pățit și ceilalți care au lăsat review de 1 ⭐
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Posted 2 years ago
Mare grija ,sunt excroci cu acte in regula ,vrei sa faci un cv care initial este gratuit ,apoi la final cand acest cv este gata nu mai este gratuit ,costa 10 lei ,nu comiteti greseala sa platiti cu cardul ,va treziti abonati la ei ,mie mi-au retras doua luni suma de 89 de lei ,cand nu au mai gasit bani pe card au avut tupeul nesimtit sa-mi trimita email sa-mi spuna sa platesc,am ramas socata ,apoi le-am spus ca-i dau in judecata si m-au lasat in pace intr-un final .
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Posted 2 years ago
Mi-am făcut CV-ul la ei pe site acum vreo 2-3 luni și am plătit in jur de 10 lei pentru serviciul respectiv. Luna asta m-am trezit că m-au debitat in tot acest timp - 90 lei pe lună! Subliniez faptul ca nu m-am abonat la ei, nu am semnat nimic, nu am primit nici măcar o factura! Aveți grija la Cvmaker!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
One of the worst services that I have met in a while. A very suspicious website without clear instructions. What is even worse they do not inform you if their service is free or if they will charge you later. I'm totally disappointed by them and reading other reviews I'm happy that I didn't put my CC information into their system because of their suspicious and fraudulent activity.
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Posted 2 years ago
The worst experience ever, I was charged for subscription which is I didn’t make, despite of I mentioned that my cancellation request didn’t proceed because of the network was down !! And after the 7 days I was surprised with the charge !! non professional service at all !! They just need funds by all ways. I’ll stop referring this site to my team 👎🏼👎🏼
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Posted 2 years ago
Am avut aceeași experiență la fel ca toți ceilalți. Nu recomand deloc acest site. Primești 0 informații în momentul în care îți faci contul iar când ceri explicații (atunci când te trezești că ai de plătit 90 de lei lunar) îți oferă absolut tot ce trebuia să știi înainte de a-ți face CV-ul. Nu înțeleg acest lucru de a se activa automat un abonament la care tu nu ți-ai dat consimțământul și cu care nu ai fost informat. Sunt informații foarte importante ce ar trebui să se regăsească pe pagina principală a site-ul. Și culmea, când intri pe site-ul lor apare "cv gratuit" iar la final te trezești că ai de plată. Norocul meu face că îmi expira cardul luna viitoare și este gol, așa nu au reușit să-mi extragă niciun ban de pe el. Nu recomand!!! Este o companie neserioasă și prost informativă!
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Posted 2 years ago
Frauds don’t ever buy from them they charge you without you knowing they take your bank information and keep charging you
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Posted 2 years ago
I have assigned to the CVmaker.com to make my CV the product of CV was fine. The problem with the service was that the company DO NOT send an invoice for the charges they make. after almost 10 months of paying 20 USD each month i accidenty saw the charges at my credit card. I got in touch with the service of the company wich told me that it's their policy and accornding to regulations. never the less, it is an absurd they dont invoice on each payment! you should know about it
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Posted 2 years ago
They are so unserious, so please stay away! They charge you without your consent. Try to write a review on google and you’ll notice that you can’t, because that is only a picture.
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Posted 2 years ago
Same experience as others. You consent to pay them 17 € a month without doing anything.Such people are the reason why you lose trust on any company online.
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Posted 2 years ago
Atenție sporita pe acest site! La finalul introducerii datelor în template cer 9.99 lei. Dezabonati-va imediat după! Ei va abonează instant fără niciun acord și va extrage din cont suma de aprox 90 lei în ziua 8. Cerând explicații, mi s-au trimis termenii și condițiile de pe site. Nu sunt deloc transparenți! Banii dați sunt nerambursabili! O sa le fac un dosar de frauda.
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Posted 2 years ago
The site always has mistakes and won't let you fix it. It's useless and a waste of time
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Posted 2 years ago
The website makes you give them your email address under the guise that they will send you a PDF version (which you opt in to pay for, I paid $3). They then create an account for you with a password that they generate and then mention in passing that you have been subscribed to their service (without you opting in). They then charge you the subscription fee after the “$3 trial” which they do not mention is a trial when you enter your details. They also very conveniently do not follow US laws as they do not send you renewal reminders with the charge amount, renewal date and the option to unsubscribe. This is all so disappointing because I actually like the CV I generated and I was happy paying the $3 for the service. I do not recommend this site due to the way they operate with people’s hard earned money. The same people who are trying hard to get their CVs right to better their lives and financial situations.
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Posted 2 years ago
Platesti 10 lei sa faci un CV ca mai apoi te trezesti ca le dai aproape 90 de lei abonament lunar. Este o mare teapa. Nici macar nu au un numar de telefon sa poti intra in contact telefonic cu cineva, doar email-uri sau formulare. Mare teapa, nu recomand. Mai bine va pierdeti dvs timpul si vi-l faceti in Photoshop.
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Posted 2 years ago
SCAM!!! I have created an account on their site in march and i have paid around 2 EUR for a CV I needed asap and, today, in June, i received notification from bank that each month about 10 Eur went to them because they made me an automatic payment that I HAVE NEVER SIGNED FOR. The bank told me that they have a lot of people who had to block their cards, like I did because of this site. I have wrote to the site and they said they wont give the money back!!! I accesed this site ONLY ONCE in March for a CV and they have STOLEN until now about 40 euros from my card!! I am attaching the print with teir answer. They actually admit they are stealing. Yoy can easily translate tgeir answer with google from romanian language.
Cvmaker 1 star review on 23rd June 2022
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
They first charge you with 2.15$ for one service and they also subscribe you for 19.99$ subscription which you wont see because they put it in smaller letters on the bottom of the page. And if you dont delete your account and cancel the subscription manually, you will lose 19.99$ every month. Also, their policy is to NOT REFUND your money. Belive it or not...
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Posted 2 years ago
Cvmaker is rated 1.1 based on 192 reviews