“They claim they will charge you 1.95 EUR for a CV and you will end up paying 1.95EUR + 17.95EUR.
They will charge you a subscription without you even notice and PayPal will decide on their favor if you request for a refund.
You will never recover your money back. Be aware. Never use this site.”
“Sunt niste țepari ordinari si culmea este ca fac totul legal. Au un site care te imbarliga cand tu crez ca platesti pentru un CV, defapt te aboneaza la ei si dupa 7 zile te ard de 90 de lei”
“SCAM. Massive false advertisement. There are shady and incredibly unethical business practices going on with this website. Avoid at all costs.
The websites claims that there are two models for your account, a free service, which claims to "Create and edit your CV, Free account to save your CV"
and a subscription service.
I built my CV and went to save it to my computer, then a paywall block came up. I thought, well I've already made this effort. Might as well pay the low cost of £1.95 so it doesn't go to waste.
Worst idea.
This payment of £1.95, nowhere clearly stated, enables them to sign you up for a subscription service for nearly £20 a month. £20 A MONTH!
This is nowhere clearly stated on the site. I've talked to the live chat support to obtain a refund and they told me that they can't do this, as their terms are stated in an email received after the first payment to download your CV.
Is this ethical? Hiding a subscription service and not telling you until you've already paid for a product? Where the fee is nothing more than authorization to charge your bank account £20 a month for a service that somebody is never going to use.
Avoid at all costs. Worst company.”
“Fake business. Niște hoți, mi au extras bani după o lună de când am platit 10 lei pt descărcarea unui cv, bani pe un abonament pe care nu îl făcusem. Fusese gol contul și nu au avut de unde trage, iar când am alimentat au tras de ori într-o săpt cate 90 lei.”
“Bai niste hoti ! Aveti grija ca va i-au banii cu japca, va aboneaza lunar din propia lor initiativa ,fara sa fiti intrebati daca vreti sau nu abonament ! De exemplu am avut nevoie de un cv , dupa ce l-am creat, am fost nevoie sa platesc o suma x pentru a beneficia de download'ul acestui cv, ceea ce am si facut am platit suma x si am descarcat cv'ul. Apoi la scurt timp aplicatia revolut ma atentioneaza ca cvmaker.ro vor sa imi traga suma x din cont eu neavand nicio idee de ce, afland ulterior. Sfatul meu prietenesc este sa nu va incurcati cu cvmaker.ro .com etc , sunt escroci !”
“Beware of the small print - read carefully. Bought what I though was a single CV Template for £2.95. In fact I was charged a subscription of £14.95 after 7 days. No refund available as terms & conditions deny your statutory rights and you 14 day cooling off period.”
“They charged me without letting me even know. I'm 16 and the money they've took was what I needed for college.
I contacted them asking for a refund since I wasn't given any warning of the payment going to happen. Their reply was because I had paid the £2 for the trial (i wasnt informed about), and didnt cancel in 7 days, I've gave them authorisation to keep taking money, all I can do is cancel and not get a refund, that all this information was in a supposed confirmation email which I didn't Get.
I've had no notice that the renewal date was closing in, after specifying that i have had no emails at all, they went silent on me.”
“This company is running a scam business disguised as a legit cv making company, they will fish you with a first attractive 2.95£ monthly fee.
What you won't know is they will set a automatic debit with Paypal and you will be charged another 14.95£ !
Your CV will cost you 18£ in the end !!!”
“Iti cer o taxa de 9.5 lei ca sa descarci cv-ul, dar nu te anunta ca de fapt este abonament pe o perioada de 7 zile, urmand a fi taxat automat cu 89 lei lunar fara ca tu sa stii, plata fiind recurenta.
Cu ce drept au ei acces la tranzactii cu contul meu din moment ce eu am acceptat doar o plata de 9.5 lei?
Inselatorie maxima si nici vor sa ramburseze banii.”
“Am platit suma de 10 lei pentru un cv.
Am vazut ca abonamentul ti-l face automat.
Imediat dupa am anulat.
Au inceput sa imi trimita emailuri cum ca as fi datoare cu suma de 89 de surpriza dolari !!!
Banii i-am scos de pe card bineinteles sa nu am vreo surpriza.
Dupa ce le-am dat raspuns ca nu am abonament la ei , a doua zi imi raspunde ca da asa este nu mai am abonament dar sa le platesc primele 7 zile "gratuite" in care cica nu am anulat abonamentul.
Nu stiu unde si ce sa mai spuna sa le platesc catusi de putin dar sa ma faca de bani.
Le-am raspuns cu screen shoturi din emailuri si i-am amenintat ca voi apela la autoritatile competente pentru niste controale.
Nu se poate asa ceva! Am platit 10 lei pentru un cv, am avut grija sa nu am abonament si ei imi trimit email cum ca nu am sold pe card.
Pai cine sunt astia daca eu odata am facut o tranzactie catre ei cu ce drept si cum au ei acces la contul meu fara sa am eu vreo obligatie la ei ??
Inselatorie pe fata !Aveti emailurile.
Joi suma de 89$.
Astazi ca raspuns am primit alta vrajeala.”
“Eu nu am bani pe card si nu au avut de unde sa imi mai traga bani, imi e frica sa imi bag si bani pe card ca imi e sa nu raman fara ei. Am vazut ca celorlalti au fost pusi sa plateasca 90 de lei, dar mie mi se cer 90 de dolari!!! Pot sa imi faca ceva rau daca nu platesc?”