“Öncelikle çok başarılı bir operasyon geçirdiğimi söylemek isterim. Her bir çalışanı çok ilgili ve alakalıydı bizlere karşı. Şuan saçlarımın 9. Günü ve şimdiden çok iyi görünüyor, Emrah bey ve ekibine teşekkür ederim , sizleri tercih ederek ne kadar doğru bir tercih yaptığımı şimdi daha iyi anlıyorum. Saç ekimi yaptırmak isteyenlere tavsiyem işe gönül rahatlığı ile cinik clinic’e gelebilirler saçınızı işinde uzman ellere teslim etmenin rahatlığını yaşayacaksınız.
Tüm ekibe teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum 🙏🏻”
“Highly recommended !! I had an operation 4 months ago. Progress is wonderful so far. Amazing hospitality, very professional team :)
I am appreciate for all and thanks a lot for everything..”
“Parfait du début à la fin.
Il m'a fallut un an pour trouver le meilleur chirurgien au meilleur rapport qualité prix avant de me décider, Dr Cinik est très à l'écoute, très professionnel, son équipe est efficace et très compétente. Très bien conseillé par les assistants et le suivi post opératoire est très rassurant, l'accueil est parfait et les transferts sont réglés comme une horloge. Vous pouvez choisir le Dr Cinik les yeux fermés, le résultat est meilleur qu'en France pour 3 fois moins cher. Ma première greffe à la clinique des Champs-Elysées à paris est une déception immense alors je ne regrette pas d'avoir choisi Dr Cinik pour ma 2eme et 3 eme fue, la greffe est d'une excellente qualité!
Je recommande à 1000%”
“Personal muy amable y servicial. Instalaciones muy modernas. Todo muy bien organizado y explicado. Los resultados hasta el momento... Estupendos. Recomendable 100%”
“The hospital dr.cinik is great!
The delivery from the hotel and airport wonderful, they take care of all what we want at the staying in istanbul.
And the doctor and stuff was amazing and make us comfortable.
Thats was great choice in dr. Cinik and his crew.”
“Very nicely organized: pick up in airport, hotel stay, shuttle to the clinic every time is needed. The hair transplant procedure was very smooth. My package consisted on FUE transplant with 4,000 follicles using sapphire and needle-less anesthesia. The result was over 4,500 follicles transplanted, with donor areas in bear and chest as well as in the back of the head. No extra charge. A couple of days later I was taking my return flight. Head swelling and pain were the only complains after the procedure, which were covered with the medication I received from the clinic. I didn't consider necessary to buy any extra care products from them. The given shampoo removed all the scabies in a couple of weeks. Skin itchiness was often in the following months that alleviated with normal aloe vera cream. The team contacted me at 15, 30 and 90 days for e-mail control asking for updated pictures of the hair. Now it's been 3 months after the procedure and I'm very satisfied so far.”
“Ola!! Meu nome e Francisco,fis o implante capilar na clínica do doutor cinik!! Meu nível de satisfação e muito grande. Agradeço toda a equipe da clínica pelo ótimo atendimento que recebi. E um agradecimento em especial para o meu novo amigo amisse.”
“6 months in and i’m extremely happy with my progress, incredible transformation! Very professional from day 1, with monthly check ups. So far so good 👍🏼”
“Tive uma experiência ótima com o Dr Cinik e sua clínica. Desde o contato inicial via whtssapp até a chegada a cirurgia e o pós operatório. Foram muito profissionais.”
“Çok kaliteli bir yer . Paranızın hakkını sonuna kadar alıyorsunuz . Güler yüzlü uzman kişiler tarafından saçınız ekiliyor daha sonrasın da da takibiniz yapılıyor. Düzenli olarak aranıyorsunuz belirli periyot ta ki aylar da fotoğraflarınız isteniyor . İlgili ve alakalı bir saç ekim merkezi ben çok memnun kaldım”
“For anyone who is hesitant even for a moment, I recommend choosing Dr. Scenic's clinic, the high level of service and professionalism that no other clinic has.”
“Mon opération c’est effectuée le 23 mars 2021, l’assistante de docteur CINIK ,me contacte pour me suivre
Cela est appréciable
Très bon suivi général ,suite une opération qui c’est très bien passer
La qualité et le prix est bien
J’attends juste un bon résultat de ma greff , je pense que c’est en bonne voie
“Très bon service général , Prix intéressant, service à l'écoute, disponible, rassure et répond à nos questions.
Sur place , bonne prise en charge voiture aéroport/ hôtel. Le lendemain, hôtel/clinique en voiture .
Dans la clinique. Équipe sympathique et à l'écoute. Prise de sang, photos, tondeuse pour cheveux et petit récapitulatif avec le dr Cinik ( avec traductrice ) ( tout cela rapidement, faut être préparée).
Pour l'opération, équipe détendue, gentille essaie de nous détendre et nous aide pour l'anesthésie douloureuse ( anesthésie normale pour moi). Petit repas pendant la pause.
Après l'opération voiture clinique hôtel / teste Pcr( cov id). Les jours qui suivent explications post op + vérification si tout est ok. Encore une fois à l'écoute, ne pas hésiter à poser des questions.
Retour, hôtel/ aéroport toujours en voiture. À l'aéroport Beaucoup de tête greffée donc pas d'angoisse. Suivi aucun problème.
Pour les questions, réponse rapide via application Whatsapp.”
“I booked an appointment at the Dr Cinik clinic in Istanbul and underwent my procedure in March 2020. I chose this clinic for their experience with afro hair. Qunomedical took care of the organizational part before the transplant. I booked my flight to and from Istanbul, and they passed the information on to the coordinators at the Dr. Cinik clinic. I got a welcome message upon arrival, notifying me that a taxi will come pick me up at the hotel the next day at 8am, which happened accordingly.
Day of transplant
The group of guys who were planned for a hair transplant were picked up and brought to the clinic on time. There, a series of well-coordinated events occured: putting in the intravenous drip (and drawing blood from it), consultation with the doctor (and drawing the finished line), taking the before pictures, shaving and then on to the OR. There I was prepared for the procedure, which included the local anaesthetic (the fluid injections were the only painful part). After that, it's massaged all over your head so they can take the grafts. Didn't feel a thing of this. At first, they predicted to do approx. 2500 grafts, but ended up doing 4650! So grateful! It was a long procedure though, still so thankful I could watch Netflix while they worked. Midway through I got a sandwich, about every hour or so they offered me water, checked how things were going (the technicians English is basic but the coordinators are fluent in English), I could go to the toilet whenever I needed to or take a break if I wanted. The only point of improvement may be their sterility. As an ICU nurse myself, I was very wary of how they went on with this. They used sterile gloves while implanting the grafts, also used a new gown every time they/I left of (re-)entered the room. A window was open during the procedure and people kept going in and out of the room, while the technicians were busy with my transplant. Those are my only two points of improvement. Other than that, great care! After the long procedure (9.5 hours), I got an explanation about the medication to take after the procedure. I was brought home by one of their taxi drivers. I did experience some fever and a bit of pain when the local anaesthetic wore off, but took an antihistamine pill and one of the paracetamol pills to subdue the fever. The most difficult part was the sleeping on the back, which I do poorly, but understood it was a necessary part in order to protect the hair that's just been transplanted. Slept pretty okay with those medicine.
The next days
The next morning, the bandage was full of wound fluids. The bandage was removed at the clinic, and was replaced with a tight headband to prevent the edema to reach your eyes. Also, the taking of a lot of medicine started. Again, transport by the clinic was excellent: the drivers even instruct you to beware of your head. The day after, they did the first wash of the transplanted hair and explained the process. They were aware of my flight times, and had arranged transport to the airport on time. I am very pleased with the organisation, compassion, attention and the care provided by the employees of the clinic.
At this point, I'm a year further and I got a head full of hair. I do notice some small differences between the implanted hairs and the others, but other people don't see that. And I can style it well. Super happy with the treatment and I'd do it again if needed!”
“The clinic is excellent and looks good and the staff are really nice, courteous and helpful. Also the hair transplant came out very professional and beautiful and made me younger in 10 years. Thank you”