“The staff was very kind and thoughtful, attentive to my concerns and answerd all my questions.
Definitly I will return for a 2nd hair transplant
“Excellent people!! Dr Cinik and his entire team are very, very professional. My original plan was to do this with another Doctor however, when I visited Dr Cinik’s clinic for second opinion, I felt very comfortable and decided to go with him and I have not regret it. I would recommend Dr Cinik highly!”
“Un professionnalisme hors pair!
Le Dr. Cinik et son équipe font tout pour que vous vous sentiez le mieux possible. Ils sont à votre écoute, réponde à toutes vos questions et d’une gentillesse.
Personnellement, j’ai eu recours à la technique DHI, cela fait presque 2 semaines et je récupère chaque jours plus de confiance. La qualité du travail est irréprochable. Le rendu est tellement naturel, je n’ai qu’une hâte voir le résultat final.
Très important, le suivis post opératoire, il reste près de vous pour prendre de vos nouvelles, et s’assurer que la progression se passe bien, c’est très rassurant.
Je ne pourrais jamais les remercier autant pour tout ce qu’ils ont fait. Vous êtes une équipe formidable.”
“Dr. Cinik and his team are simply great. As a German translator, Ms. Belindir was always available and competent and was able to explain all questions perfectly and well, even in advance. The service from the first contact by phone to the stay on site (Ms. Belindir and Ms. Perez were also always available here) incredibly good! Dr. Cinik always took his time and answered questions. Even after leaving, the service is still perfect. All questions are answered immediately. The pictures sent in give you tips and help at hand. I'm really a critical customer - more service and friendliness really wasn't possible. The price-performance ratio is really good - I am already very satisfied with the result after 4 weeks and I am very excited about the end result. It is particularly important to mention that you get a 10 year guarantee on the work. So if there is a legitimate complaint - it will be resolved free of charge (as happened with a friend). I can really recommend Dr Cinik and his team - I've rarely felt better cared for! Unfortunately, only 5 points can be awarded - 50 would also be appropriate.
Dr. Cinik und sein Team sind einfach Spitze. Frau Belindir als Deutsche Übersetzerin war wirklich zu jederzeit erreichbar und kompetent und hat alle Frage, auch im Vorwege, perfekt und gut erklären können. Der Service vom 1. Kontakt telefonisch, über den Aufenthalt vor Ort (hier waren Frau Belindir und Frau Perez ebenfalls immer ansprechbar) unfassbar gut! Auch Herr Dr. Cinik hat sich immer wieder Zeit genommen und Fragen beantwortet. Auch nach der Abreise ist der Service noch perfekt. Auf alle Fragen wird sofort geantwortet. Anhand der eingesendeten Bilder bekommt man Tips und Hilfen an die Hand. Ich bin wirklich ein kritischer Kunde - merh Service und Freundlichkeit ging wirklich nicht. Das Preis Leistungsverhältnis ist wirklich gut - mit dem Ergebnis bin ich bereits nach 4 Wochen sehr zufrieden und bin auf das Endergebnis sehr gespannt. Besonders zu erwähnen gilt es noch, das man eine 10 Jährige Garantie auf die Arbeit bekommt. Sollte es also zu einer berechtigten Reklamation kommen - wird dieser kostenlos behoben (so bei einem Freund geschehen). Ich kann Dr.Cinik und sein Team wirklich empfehlen - besser aufgehoben habe ich mich selten gefühlt! Leider können nur 5 Punkte vergeben werden - 50 wären auch angemessen.”
“Exceptional service and a top quality procedure, I was looked after so well. Couldn’t recommend Dr Cinik and his staff enough. If you’re deliberating on wether to go ahead with the operation “Don’t”, just go for it, you won’t regret it.”
“The clinic is beautiful, close to the center of the city but also well located as close to hotels. Everything went very well for me from the finish to the start, the teams were very professional. I highly recommend this clinic for hair implantation. The clinic staff and the people who supported me were nice and very professional.”
“9 months in, and everything's great. Hair is thicker than expected, and frankly, it has changed my life. I split with my ex 2 years ago, and quickly discovered the market for bald men was somewhat niche! A date every 3 months when I managed to find a woman who wasn't bothered by baldness. Now, I wake up, check my app and find women have taken the initiative and contacted me! Something that just wouldn't have happened before. Things are good. Thanks to all the team at Dr.Cinik for doing such a great job; as I've said before, the actual process itself was great. Pretty pain-free, I got to enjoy Istanbul (even after the operation - they give you a hat), stayed in a nice hotel, all good. Easily the best money I've ever spent. If you're worried, don't be. If baldness is holding you back, go for it. And if you're unsure about which clinic to go for, take my advice and that of all the other reviews I took notice of before going, and just go to Dr.Cinik's. First class.”
“I went to turkey in mid November last year and got a hair transplant. From the minute I was picked up from the airport and dropped off. I had 5 star service while in turkey. Everyone was very nice and speak good English. I felt very comfortable and I’m extremely happy with my results 😃. Best money I’ve ever spend !!! The results are way better than expected! And I’m only 5.5 months in. Thank you 🙏 very much. For everyone on the Dr. Emrah Çinik Clinic team that helped me !”
“Before I decided to take this treatment by Cinik I did some research on price etc. Based on the results, reviews and price I decided to chose Cinik for the hairtransplantation.
Price - good. Because cinik gives the best advise on the treatment and try to transplant the maximum quantity without minimum of damage on donor area.
Service- good. I visited after the transplantation one week every dat the clinic and received a professional service and extra medication for in case of.
At the moment my growth starter and it is getting better and better. We are still in touch with the advisors and they are ready to answer all questions.”
“Many thanks to Dr. Scenic and his staff, for the professional care and wonderful service, it goes without saying, we reached 5 friends and received exceptional care.”
“Amazing customer services, kindness that continued even after operation. İ got excellent results. Dr. Cinik have so experienced personal, no delay no fault at any point of operation. Definitelly best price/performance. Most impressed point for me is after operation they are step by step following/directing what you gonna do. So İ am so strongly advicing Dr.Cinik everyone who intent hair tr.”
“Boa tarde a todos!
Venho por este meio dar o feedback da minha experiência.
Fui à clínica do Dr.Cinik e hoje em dia não me arrependo nada, fui sem feedback de ninguém, fui mesmo na confiança e sinceramente fui surpreendido, não esperava que fosse tão bem recebido e atendido. O senhor Paulo ajudou-me em tudo o que precisei, não me faltou nada.
Ao chegar a Istambul, tinha lá o responsável do Dr.Cinik à minha espera para me levar ao hotel e à demonstração de tudo o que ia acontecer.
Neste momento tenho 1 ano e dois meses de transplante, e estou muito contente com o resultado, em breve irei fazer a segunda fase do meu transplante, devido a ter um grau elevado de calvície e sem dúvida nenhuma que irei novamente ao Dr.Cinik.
Abraço a todos”