“You and doct0r Day gave me some hope. I told you I had a stroke in Dember of 2021 and I am trying to to get back my speech from Dysarthria and i am batling afib and high bloob pressure. I feel overwhelmed, but I started doing the things you say in your program and lost almost 20 lbs so far from 235 lbs to 213 lbs. I wish I could consult you and doctor Day because you are real doctors and not like the ones i have here in minnesota. Please help me if you or doctor Say can see me.
“Outstanding presentation. Very thorough and explained in simple language. I’m glad I took the course. 65 year old male, 275 .lbs, exercise 4-5 times per week: cardio : cycle, walk concept rower.lift weights, yoga. Used to 4-6 cups of black coffee; now only drink 1 cup decaf.
. I had my first Afib event on 5 Dec 2021, then on 30 Jan 2022, 2 in Feb 2022 and 1 in March 2022. My take away from this course is that I MUST lose weight, enhance my nutrition: recently became vegetarian and need to take Control of my Health,”
“While the information presented was helpful, it’s nothing I hadn’t already read or known; it’s just all in one place. I think it’s highly overpriced, and frankly I’m kicking myself for having paid what I did. I feel like I was scammed and paid way too much for an e-book and some recipes. I contemplated signing up a few weeks ago, opted not to, but then changed my mind today when it showed up again in my Facebook feed. I also think Dr Morales talks too fast in the videos. Hopefully, following the advice presented (which again is nothing I didn’t previously know) will actually result in a reduction of my afib episodes, and I won’t feel like I wasted my money.”
“Dr. AFib has given me so much information on Facebook and YouTube. If I have any question I receive an answer back in no time. So much informative information. There is too much on YouTube but I just stick to Dr. AFib because I know it will be right and up to date. I am excited to be on the 30 day meal plan now and am anxious to see results. I have AFib and am going to get healthier with his information.❣️”
“Gives great reviews, now I have to figure out how to get my book on Complete Guide to AFib. I need to read the info on nutrition and things that are better to eat with AFib.”
“Basically a diet programme advocating plant based food along with lifestyle changes, cutting out alcohol, processed food, losing weight, exercise etc. If you came here genuinely thinking this series of videos would cure your Afib I’d go in with an open mind as many of the suggestions here are already common knowledge to most sufferers of Afib!”
“Great course - highly comprehensive, and it covered all of the pertinent lifestyle areas which I needed to examine. I am implementing several of the changes and I have already noticed results. The nutrition section is one of the most notable areas of results for me. It may be hard to cut out certain foods or habits, but these modifications have already yielded results. I look forward to losing more weight and continuing the program. Thank you Dr. Morales, you are doing a great service for AFib patients! This can be a scary thing to go through and even the best doctors seem to leave out guidance on key necessary lifestyle modifications, so the easy-to-understand lifestyle recommendations really helped augment my treatment. Thanks again!”
“I appreciate being able to email Dr. Afib and receive a response. I have learned so much about afib which has been a calming effect on me. I'm so thankful for the nutritious meal plans and that afib can be treated naturally!”