“I like all the tips and he answers all of your questions personally. Meaning he cares about his group. Its the only support out here that I know of that is so personal. It lets me know I am not the only one.”
“When diagnosed with Afib I was really scared as also was diagnosed with a very high Calcium CT score. My electrophysicyst is very young and basically said that I should be happy that I had got to 71. I was not impressed !! Everything I have learnt since has been through Dr Morales. I completed his on line Take Contol Over Afib Program and am part of the community group. I found the Program excellent and have followed the guidelines as suggested. I feel I get better support from Dr Morales in the USA than I get from my specialist here in Australia. Thank you for your great support Dr Morales.”
“Dr. AFib has helped me understand a complex medical condition. He explains everything much more clearly than any doctors I've seen. He helps me understand what's going on. He helps me formulate questions that I want to ask my EP doctor when I see her.”
“This program really helps! I have lost about 10 lbs in 3 and a half weeks and my blood pressure is staying in normal range nearly every day now. I think I need to discuss lowering my medication doses of Diltiazem and Flecainide with my doctor.”
“Dr AFib's educational program is extremely helpful. He presents material that is helpful, things you can do that have been proven to lessen the frequency of AFib events. The program answers questions and demonstrates breathing techniques and exercises that have been tested and proven to reduce the incidents of AFib. In addition, you get access to a private Facebook account, where others with the same problem can discuss and ask questions. It's a great support group and I appreciate Dr AFib's time and expertise in presenting the program.”
“Most of what I learned in the course I am already doing. Weight, diet, glycemic sensitivity. I guess I rejected the yoga aspect. It was worth the price of the course to learn of the Dark Chocolate. I am using it now and it seems to help. I have since learned there is another benefit, prostate health.
Thank you for contacting me, I was feeling abandoned.”
“Need more info when you have Afib and your are young. My case was sleap apnea (now treated) with 15 years of endurance sports (inclding ironman and ultra trails).Thank you”