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flaregain.com Reviews

3.7 Rating 237 Reviews
68 %
of reviewers recommend flaregain.com

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flaregain.com 5 star review on 4th September 2024
flaregain.com 5 star review on 30th August 2024
Richard Kyle
flaregain.com 1 star review on 17th June 2024
Rios Costello
flaregain.com 1 star review on 7th June 2024
František Fekete
flaregain.com 1 star review on 23rd May 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
The platform's diverse trading instruments make FlareGain a go-to for portfolio diversification. Cryptocurrencies, commodities, and major currency pairs—all under one roof for a comprehensive trading experience.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
The user-friendly interface of FlareGain's platform has transformed my trading experience. Navigating markets seamlessly has never been easier, contributing to the overall positive trading environment.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Months of trading on FlareGain, and their customer service remains unparalleled. The quick, genuine assistance distinguishes them in the competitive landscape of trading platforms.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
FlareGain remains a trailblazer in customer service, with a responsive support team and a robust trading platform that sets a new standard in the industry.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
The swift and hassle-free withdrawal process at FlareGain reflects their commitment to customer satisfaction. It's reassuring to trade with a broker that prioritizes efficiency in all aspects.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
FlareGain has consistently provided me with a confident trading environment. The accessibility of premium tools for all accounts would be a welcomed enhancement to an already impressive platform.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Flaregain are typical scammers! Under the guise of CFD trading, they persuade customers to deposit more money that they have no intention of ever withdrawing! After registration, instead of an account manager, financial advisors: Alexander Horowitz and Adam Kolecki come to work. These are men who speak poor Polish and have a Russian accent, probably Russian Jews. How does CFD work for them? After the first investment, despite changing the password, the company starts trading on the CFD account itself without the client's consent and without any information! And if the client does not agree to pay more money, the advisors get angry and send offensive emails! But the most serious thing is that they absolutely refuse to pay back the invested money! Moreover, their sites are rated by antivirus companies as SCAM, i.e. dangerous sites. Check it out for yourself: Go to Google Chrome and write: "webparanoid platform.flaregain-tech.com" and watch and it will appear! Flaregain boast that they are a regulated company. Their regulator is the "Crypto Service Authority" who are the same scammers as Flaregain and are called "Fake Regulators" on the Internet. Conclusion: STAY AWAY FROM FLAREGAIN!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Trading with this broker for months; thoroughly impressed with their services. Easy navigation and responsive customer support make FlareGain a top recommendation.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Flaregain sind typische Betrüger! Unter dem Deckmantel des CFD-Handels überreden sie Kunden dazu, mehr Geld einzuzahlen, als sie nie wieder abheben wollen! Nach der Registrierung kommen anstelle eines Account Managers die Finanzberater Alexander Horowitz und Adam Kolecki zur Arbeit. Das sind Männer, die schlecht Polnisch sprechen und einen russischen Akzent haben, wahrscheinlich russische Juden. Wie funktioniert CFD für sie? Nach der ersten Investition beginnt das Unternehmen trotz Änderung des Passworts ohne Zustimmung des Kunden und ohne jegliche Informationen selbst mit dem Handel auf dem CFD-Konto! Und wenn der Kunde nicht bereit ist, mehr Geld zu zahlen, werden die Berater wütend und versenden beleidigende E-Mails! Aber das Schlimmste ist, dass sie sich absolut weigern, das investierte Geld zurückzuzahlen! Darüber hinaus werden ihre Websites von Antiviren-Unternehmen als SCAM, d. h. gefährliche Websites, eingestuft. Probieren Sie es selbst aus: Gehen Sie zu Google Chrome und schreiben Sie: „webparanoid platform.flaregain-tech.com“ und schauen Sie es sich an und es wird erscheinen! Flaregain rühmt sich, ein reguliertes Unternehmen zu sein. Ihre Aufsichtsbehörde ist die „Crypto Service Authority“, die dieselben Betrüger wie Flaregain sind und im Internet als „Fake Regulators“ bezeichnet werden. Fazit: FERNHALTEN SIE SICH VON FLAREGAIN!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Top-notch trading platform exceeding expectations. User-friendly interface and responsive customer support—FlareGain sets the bar high.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
User-friendly platform, always-available customer support—FlareGain's commitment to clients is evident. A trustworthy broker for those serious about trading.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Confident in my trades with FlareGain's support. A great trading platform that could be enhanced by making premium tools available to all accounts
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
This broker has been a stellar companion on my trading journey. Achievements have been made, and I couldn't be happier with FlareGain.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Firma Flaregain to typowi oszuści! Pod pozorem handlu CFD namawiają klientów do wpłaty więcej pieniędzy których nie mają zamiaru kiedykolwiek wypłacić! Po rejestracji zamiast account manager zgłaszają się doradcy finansowi: Alexander Horowitz i Adam Kolecki. To są panowie którzy mówią źle po polsku i z rosyjskim akcentem, prawdopodobnie rosyjscy Żydzi. Jak działa u nich CFD? Po pierwszej inwestycji, pomimo zmiany hasła firma zaczyna sama handel na koncie CFD bez zgody klienta i bez jakiejkolwiek informacji! A jeżeli klient nie zgodzi się na wpłatę więcej pieniędzy panowie doradcy wpadają w złość i wysyłają obraźliwe maile! Ale najpoważniejsze jest to, że absolutnie odmawiają wypłacenia zaiwestowanych pieniędzy! Poza tym ich saity są oceniane przez firmy antywirusowe jako SCAM, czyli strony niebezpieczne. Sprawcie sami: Wejdźcie na Google Chrome i napiszcie: "webparanoid platform.flaregain-tech.com" i obserwujcie so się ukaże! Flaregain chwalą się że są firmą regulowaną.Ich regulator to "Crypto Service Authority" którzy są takimi samymi oszustami jak Flaregain i na internecie nazywane są "Fake Regulators" Wniosek: TRZYMAJCIE SIĘ Z DALEKA OD FLAREGAIN!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Joined FlareGain for the unique asset selection. Exploring new horizons in online trading has opened up exciting opportunities for maximizing profits.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Historical data retrieval from FlareGain was prompt and invaluable. While satisfied, a reduction in spreads would add to the overall positive experience.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
FlareGain made trading easy for me. The incredible client assistance team addressed all my queries promptly. A trustworthy broker for a great trading experience.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Confident in my trades with FlareGain's support. A great trading platform that could be enhanced by making premium tools available to all accounts.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
No regrets since registration; the account manager's assistance was invaluable. FlareGain continues to meet all my needs.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
Joined FlareGain for the unique asset selection. Exploring new horizons in online trading has opened up exciting opportunities for maximizing profits.
Helpful Report
Posted 9 months ago
flaregain.com is rated 3.7 based on 237 reviews