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Guardian Services Reviews

5.0 Rating 13,105 Reviews
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About Guardian Services:

Since 2014, Guardian Services has proven to be the best source for all Destiny Carries and Account Recovery services. Our team specializes in Trials of Osiris flawless runs and raid carries on all platforms.

We have the most verified reviews and completed orders in the business because we put client satisfaction at the top of our list. We have specialists available 24/7 to help answer all questions on our website livechat.

Please note: All orders are ONLY accepted via our website www.guardian.services - do not fall for impersonators.

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Guardian Services 5 star review on 4th June 2024
Alexander Will****
Guardian Services 5 star review on 24th May 2024
Bryce Hump****
Guardian Services 5 star review on 24th May 2024
Bryce Hump****
Guardian Services 5 star review on 24th March 2024
Guardian Services 5 star review on 17th February 2024
Milan Radoj****
Guardian Services 5 star review on 2nd December 2023
Guardian Services 5 star review on 29th November 2023
Christopher F****
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
not satisfied with it, how come I have the same amount of spoils of war as I did before this raid? Also, the entire raid dropped only two weapons? I didn't even receive an emailed summary from Guardian Services!
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Posted 7 months ago
Hi Rob, I apologize if you were not satisfied with your order and service and I wanted to reach out to explain what happened here so that we may come to an understanding. In regards to your spoils, your service was a Salvation's Edge raid with no additional add-ons, specifically the one for the secret chests. These secret chests give 5 spoils each, 10 spoils in total, and because you did not add this, our booster is not obligated to get these for you because they are an additional cost and no encounters in the raid provide spoils, that is how the game works with the most recently released raid. To address the raid dropping two weapons, raid drops are completely random (RNG) and there is absolutely nothing we can do about that. You either get armor or you get weapons and from what we can tell in the order summary, you received more armor than weapons. Again, this is completely out our control due the nature of the game and we cannot be held liable for this. We also show confirmation on our end of an email summary being sent to you after the service was completed. If you do happen to not receive these, you can always visit our live chat on the site and we can attempt to send this again OR provide you with alternatives to give you this list.
Posted 7 months ago
Very disappointed I ordered a full legendary final shape of the campaign and found out after that the campaign still wasn’t over. $170 and I got two or three weapons I will never use. Even when I ran it on normal mode by myself solo I was able to pick up the call and one other weapon that I love. Not sure why I didn’t get anything out of this. my advice to any future customer is read the fine print of what you’re buying. That was my fault I suppose.
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Posted 8 months ago
Hi, we are sorry you are disappointed with your service but looking into your order we completed the campaign for you just as ordered, so we are not sure what else you expected out of this service. I talked to our staff, if you come by our live chat they will help you find what you are looking for, and we'll make sure to get you a discount for the services. Again our apologies for the confusion, but we completed what was ordered. Guardian.Services
Posted 8 months ago
Currently watching DIM as the guy does the order on the wrong character. These guys used to be borderline flawless, I'm talking above and beyond service, but lately you basically have to stare at a 3rd party app to make sure theyre not using all your materials or the wrong character.
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Posted 10 months ago
Service is non existent, don’t let them take your money, the best is they even have a tip option to not give you service lol
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello, We see you are a new customer that has ordered a Destiny 1 play with service. Being a new customer, I don't think you quite understand how play with services work, and I'd be happy to explain that to you now and we also could have explained this before you bought the service, so you knew exactly what you were getting instead of leaving a negative review because you don't understand the process being a new customer. We do not have teams ready at will for play with services and they are all scheduled in advanced. That is why you were required to provide 4 time slots at checkout for when you would be available to run with our team. Our team then scheduled a time with you on 9/24 at 9 AM EST, being tomorrow morning, based on the times you gave us. The service will be completed then with our team since the times provided by you are an agreement that you would be available at any point within those times and the service is obviously existent because we booked with you already, the time just hasn't come yet for when it was booked. In terms of tips, they are totally optional and not required if you'd like to pre-tip on your order as quite a few people do, but that again is up to you if you want to do that. If you have any questions beyond that, I suggest reaching out to our live chat service on-site and we can help answer any questions you may still have.
Posted 1 year ago
You didn’t complete what I ordered. You had to change to just raid completions. I wanted the nenechrocasm gun. Sole reason I did the preorder and you couldn’t complete in time (didn’t even start) so I had to settle for just raid completion. You have really struggled with your destiny 2 content over the last year. I used to use you more often. I’ve lost faith in your ability and that changes my perspective to spend money with your company
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Parrish, When it comes to contest mode raiding we can unfortunately never give guarantees, since we don't know beforehand how hard, or long the raid will be. We contacted you and asked how you wanted to proceed and you gave the go-ahead to complete the normal raid, We are always open to a refund if that is preferred. We are sorry we were not able to get you the Necrochasm and appreciate you understanding, Thank you.
Posted 1 year ago
You did not get this completed! I have over 80 orders with you, to say I’m disappointed is an understatement. I’ve actually decided to go to another service provider when I need something done.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi James, There is never any guarantees when it comes to a contest mode raid. We always do our best, but some things are out of our control like the raid difficulty. We value the safety of our customers account, and make sure we have professional boosters.
Posted 1 year ago
Did not complete within the contest time period
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Dan, There is never any guarantees when it comes to a contest mode raid. We always do our best, but some things are out of our control like the raid difficulty. We value the safety of our customers account, and make sure we have professional boosters.
Posted 1 year ago
did not complete it power died and carrier lied and said i told him i joined another team despite having never talked to him i rescheduled this but i guesd they decided to cancel my reschedule and keep my money
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Posted 1 year ago
I’ve used you guys for while now with flawless service but this last time your booster used my xenophage heavy weapon for infusion for another heavy I had not leveled. You guys have been always been consistent of just using what I have to get the service I paid for done but this made me really upset due to the fact that this was my first xenophage I got originally for my account/titan and now it’s just gone. Now I’m unsure if I’ll ever use your service again if this how things are done now.
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Posted 1 year ago
Placed an order Monday early afternoon (5/22) with open of it being completed within 24 hours. Only after contacting customer support, they got it completed Thursday (5/25) past the deadline I needed.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello, We apologize for the experience you had with your order. We looked into this, and it appears that the order was for a Master raid. Due it being the beginning of the season and people's light levels are lower and everyone is back to +0 on the artifact, it can take more time to complete that service in comparison to later in the season. Master raids naturally take longer in the first couple weeks of the season as everyone gets back to a reasonable light level to complete it.
Posted 1 year ago
Asked for a Root of NIghtmares run. I gave a $20 tip to pick up the last 2 lore pieces I needed and they didn't do it. I can't refund the extra $20 I gave the booster for a simple RON run. I guess they wanted me to pay the $80 to collect all of the lore when I only needed 2 of them. They also, have yet to complete all of the items on the order.
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Posted 1 year ago
Thought I was going to get higher power drops-Very disappointed! Very let down for Master Raid
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Owen! Thank you for your review. Sorry to hear you didn't get the power-boosting drops you needed. This service is for guaranteed drops from the raid. We cannot control which drops, or what power they will be. It's all based on your character's current power and RNG. I suggest checking out our power-boosting services for guaranteed light! Thank you and please ask if you have any additional questions.
Posted 1 year ago
Not a 24/7 service like advertised, they never completed my order, they never answered my email or phone call. I put the order in 5 hours ahead of time and they never got back to me.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi, we are sorry you feel like that way. We would highly recommend to not place a Trials order 3 and a half hour before the weekly reset to make sure there is plenty of time to try get your order done. Because of how popular the SMG was this was a very busy weekend. we apologize for not being able to reach out in time to let you know it would not happen before the reset, our boosters were working very hard to try get last minute orders done.
Posted 1 year ago
This is a joke if u need help let me know more then happy to help for FREE why pay then when there are others who would help for free or for way cheaper
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Reference order #792199, I have used Guardian Services for almost 3 years with over 200 completed orders and have always felt safe with them. That is until 23 November, I ordered a GM Nightfall and every gamers worsts nightmare came true for me. The booster GS used took over 4 hours and had 8 unsuccessful GM attempts before reporting the order was complete. The nightmare is that during that time, the booster or someone they provided my data to also linked an EPIC Games to my cross save and then sent me a ransom note stating I had to pay $200 within a week or they would begin altering my account. 5 days later they had changed my Bungie name, deleted multiple items and generally messed with my account in any way possible. Bungie will not help, Epic Games will not help and guardian Services has not responded back to me since the first day. I had complete faith in GS and used them without hesitation. Never again. They are no longer safe.
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Posted 2 years ago
one of your Sherpas , Hunts, he names all the gamertag she recieves so we know all the account getting carried. Joins lfg groups on his recov. Talks a lot of smack about the people who run blazing boost
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Hello, We have no clue what you are referring to on this. We also don't have anyone who works for us by that name. Our boosters don't do this as it's against our rules. This appears to be a fake review about someone pretending to work for us.
Posted 3 years ago
I contacted this service and ASKED before they did anything if they could complete just the Boss phase of the VotD raid for day one, I was told yeah and my money was taken, 30 mins before reset I HAD to ask them about it just to be told oh sorry did not do it. They claim to take their rep serious but they dropped the ball here. So do not believe they will get anything done for you.
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Posted 3 years ago
My order was not completed. I had to complete it myself
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Posted 3 years ago
Thank you for your review, both items on your order were completed. We have sent an email confirming the loot. Please let us know if there is more that we can do!
Posted 3 years ago
They didn’t complete my entire order and they said it was completed. After complaining, instead of completing it, they gave me a 10% off for next time. Are you serious?
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Hello Gabriel, we confirmed that your order was completed fully. We offered the 10% off coupon because you were dissatisfied with your service. We sincerely apologize for that, however, we were not able to refund the full service of a Shattered Throne with lore when you collected 1 egg out of 19 collectibles (chests, eggs, and bones). Again, I apologize that you were dissatisfied with our service, but your order was completed. Thank you for your review!
Posted 3 years ago
Runner was unable to complete the order and was an arrogant jerk. If you aren't interested in honest feedback on incomplete orders then I suggest you don't send emails asking for reviews. If the service you are offering is "impossible close to end of season" you should pull it from purchase, as that wasn't made clear to your customers. Your runner literally blamed me for losing the final game on a ticket. It was 100% directed at me. It had nothing to do with listening to his directions. This was a ticket where he willing gave up a loss by going to orbit rather than trying to fight it out because he seemed to be in a big hurry. I listened to all of his instructions. The way he was giving them was uncalled for. He spent the entire second ticket talking about how he didn't want to be playing Trials any more. His partner was extremely nice and professional but hadn't played destiny seriously for months (he was still fantastic and I would have happily continued playing with him and anyone else because he had a great attitude). Both players have moved on to Halo, with your runner saying the only reason he is still active in destiny at all is for money. After we reset the ticket where we lost game 7 he was complaining to me EVERY SINGLE ROUND. Even when he was first death. One time telling me to back off when hit by grenades, another time telling me to literally stand there and die. I have never had a carry go like that before and wasn't going to take more verbal abuse. When I told him I was quitting because of his unprofessionalism he said he always acted this way with people. Having played trials with over 10 other runners across many platforms, I can tell you no other runner out there acts like this. I have given nothing but 5 star reviews for runners across many carry platforms and always tip for completions when there is an option to do so. You should pay attention to the outlier experiences because these are the types of experiences that damage your brand and keep your highest potential repeat customers from coming back. Please appreciate that I am taking time out of my day to help you fix a problem here.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hello, We apologize for the experience you had with your order. Unfortunately, you had ordered 3 Safe Harbors which is almost impossible this late in the season, but I see on your order you did complete one out of the three which is still a feat being this close to a season end. We are also saddened to hear that you say your booster was an "arrogant jerk" as we have never had a complaint against him before with any carry he's ever done. We spoke to him about this as well and he explained any frustration he had was towards his partner at times and the teams you all faced. He explained it was once never towards you and apologizes if you took it that way. I do also want to say that our Trials self-play services have a requirement that you must listen to your booster's instructions so the whole team can work together.
Posted 3 years ago
Guardian Services is rated 5.0 based on 13,105 reviews