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Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors Reviews

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Industrial Scripts Reviews

Founded in early 2010 by a Warner Bros and Paramount script consultant, Industrial Scripts® is now one of the world’s leading screenplay and story analysis companies, backed by major entertainment companies and with over 1,500 verified client reviews.

Our script consultants have significant industry credentials, writing script coverage for companies and studios including Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Universal and many more. Working with screenwriters, authors and filmmakers of all levels and from myriad locations, we also deliver intensive training both online and offline.

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Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 18th March 2024
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 11th December 2019
David Worth
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 11th December 2019
David Worth
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 24th January 2019
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 27th December 2018
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 3rd March 2018
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors 5 star review on 10th August 2017
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I dont know what skill level or experience or education that reader had but [1] they knew nothing of greek mythology [2] knew nothing of philosophy and well known philosophers and thinkers [3] did not understand or see that script has a picturesque style with elements of magical realism - some similarity in structure with Forrest Gump [4] wrote in a pleasant style which however needed a lot of my work to get to their real meaning [5] completely confused what two characters did - and so wrote that one was angry - which was completely wrong [6] despite three sub-titles dlearly stating the two main time periods of the story the reader seemed confused about time periods. I wonder if a more knowledgeble and competent reader would have given the script a higher score. I will soon find out. Overall a waste of my money and I doubt that I will risk using your services again
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Posted 2 weeks ago
This is interesting, clearly the reviewer was unimpressed and that is the reviewer's perogative. However, this is the third review, one in Australia and the second in the US. Both earlier reviews were impressed by the construct, the characters, the tone and dialogue. Both thought the script had strong potential. Obviously, both made suggestions, which were implemented and the script improved. We sat on it for a year, tinkered with it and thought, let's give it a final polish. If the reviewer was trying to impress you, good for him. Me, I was underwhelmed, particularly given the stark contrast with the earlier reviews.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
The 'honest' feedback was useless considering the reader HHM didn't read all the pages + he expected it to conform to his 'self-made' formulas of how a script must be written which is absurd. It was classic case of readers expecting the script's story beats to literally unfold exactly 100% to their terms/ rules/ page-touchstones. They'll deny resorting to that of cos and instead likely claim that it's a sure fire way to win a contest - if this method is so magical then they wouldn't even still be readers and they'd literally be inside the hollywood walls, doing REAL films. But to get down to it, I'm dissatisfied with the reader for clearly not understanding the material coz he clearly cheated by skipping pages and doesn't know the genre at all well and resorts to a very obvious overly rigid formulas on how to get through a script, resulting in useless notes expecting u to write to how he prefers it lime he's the boss. I've read feedback from numerous readers fr years and I'm at a point where it's clear this guy uses a lot of formulas. And one clearly being that he ignorantly assumes that the road to a great script is that everything must be connected to the opening and nothing, absolutely nothing, can ever be introduced outside of the opening coz he thinks if it's not related to it, it fails instantly... even though some elements introduced later ARE in fact connected but in ways he clearly can't figure out. And that's his real problem - so overly reliant of his rules/ formulas that he can't see outside of his own peripheral vision. I love how his opening sentence has the word 'inventive script', which he then later contradicts. Same with the ending - he basically called it 'good' only to then say it wasn't, as you read on. If you don't mean it, don't write it! So many crappy 'readers' resort to this hypocrisy. You also have the usual thing of him not proofreading his own feedback and also skipping my script pages coz he's just too lazy halfway. As a result, it's kinda hilarious that the reader blames the writer for things not making sense when clearly the fault is his for deliberately skipping/ cheating. I bet he even uses lots of "CTRL + F" too - the very definition of lazy idiots who frankly deserve the boot! If I had to guess, I'd say this individual must have started reading when he was in some numbed stressed-out, closed-box state without allowing his mind to be open or even 'think', coz apparently he expected all details to be spoon-fed every single step of the way without giving things a first thought (no, not second, but first!). When I said I spent 2 years working on it, he assumed it meant only draft 1. The notion that I might have rewritten it countless times with lots of feedback from others over that period never once occurred to him, or even perhaps that he might have been receiving draft number 15? He even wastes a whole page bragging that he can write 10 pages a day in finish a script in 15 days. Anyone with a brain knows no solid script can be written that way! What also lost me is when he mis-wrote my number of pages. How many scripts has this guy read? Everyone knows when you look at a pdf page count, it means you must minus 1 page from it. Is this guy a pro or apparently he doesn't care about what he writes? Clearly not and this was just a paycheck for him to knock off and go home fast. I asked for honest feedback, not malice and condescension. Going back to him lacking imagination, I can clearly tell the horror genre isn't this reader's cup of tea AT ALL & clearly only chose to watch certain horror titles JUST coz he has to stay current, not coz he loves it. It's apparent when his notes give no reference or examples to other horror films as guidance - merely mentioning their titles tells us nothing. He obviously has no inkling that horror requires some degree of imagination & bcoz I chose not to spell things out/ giving all the answers right away, or I chose to have things be at first mysterious & to deliberately let the reader piece things together, he instantly assumed it means the writer doesn't know what the pages are talking about. Luckily for me, some readers got it, but he clearly/ stupidly did not. Again, he expected things to be spoon-fed right away, full answers rightaway, claiming it's for clarity... bcoz if something isn't written exactly how he prefers, he can't think. I wasn't even writing abstract stuff. What ever happened to letting readers piece things together bcoz you are respecting their intelligence? The answers were there and he just sped through missing them coz apparently things can only be written one way for him. What I've come to learn over the years is when a reader doesn't get your story, they won't get ANYTHING at all and their mind starts to not pay attention as they go, hence, they'll criticize your script for plot holes when in fact it's coz they didn't read properly... and the fact they will skip pages & blame u when something doesn't make sense. In turn, everything to them will feel like a disaster, made even more apparent in their rubbish notes/ suggestions... and boy were they just that! I can appreciate the honesty which is what i asked for but it's all useless if the script isn't something he can grasp at all coz it's not his thing at all. The biggest laugh is he at the end rated me as a 'low consider' which is above 'pass' - I'm gonna take that as a typo on his end coz what he wrote 100% doesn't connect to said verdict AT ALL... unless the script was maybe being read by 2 (or 3?) different people which could explain some erratic/ abnormal reactions. If that's what happened, I'd fire them! Overall, just my luck this reader HHM is one of those so overly inundated with self-righteous/ self-made formulas/ rules that if any script deviates from this 'perfect' bible of his, you're screwed automatically! Something for em' to think about, hopefully. Well, so much for $195.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
They pride themselves on being the only company that gives an honest review of the writer's screenplay, and this is why they don't try to sugarcoat their assessments. I believe it's the reverse - they give you a low score so that you will continue to pay for more coverage reports. The person that reviewed my screenplay didn't try to find anything good about it. He or she only knit-picked the whole thing and took every opportunity to justify their actions. Then after slashing your work they try and persuade you to accept their script doctoring service so they can charge you even more money.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I am a practicing lawyer, and my pilot was about the legal profession. The reviewer provided some commentary designed to educate me as the writer about the legal profession, but this was not helpful because not fully informed. Other than that, the reviewer was overall insightful. The root of my frustration was the delay in the receipt of the report. I was expecting the advertised two-week turnaround, which ended up being six. This was due apparently to technical issues. The company was responsive to my concerns but it seems like more could have been done to monitor any delays and address any issues with the internal systems and processes. As a result, I lost a month of good editing time.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I was planning to order script polishing which requires as a first step buying a $250 “script quote”. I received some incoherent notes which indicated to me that the analyst didn’t really have a cogent vision of what to improve. This was followed by a proposal of $7500… indicating a massive rewrite. Context: my screenplay is a semi-finalist at one of established contests… Having no confidence in the anonymous analyst, I declined. Will do a polish with someone else with credentials, for a fraction of the price quoted by IS. $250 lost, no value received.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Not worth the money. The entire Conclusion was a diatribe of how the technology I had written in was not 'cool' or 'hip' enough. Yes, future tech is in my screenplay. But it is a small part. This is the 4th coverage I have had and was by far the least informative and helpful.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
response too vague, too generalized, too abstract and not helpful. For a service that requests $2500/week for multiple weeks from a complete stranger, it was not convincing. I expected actual outline detailing rewrite strategy before I fork over my money to your company. a total waste.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The submission process wasn't brilliant. What was particularly annoying was the difficulty with which I had getting past the stage where you pay more if you are over 120 pages. That's a fair thing to pay for but mine was 100 and it wouldn't accept 'zero'. When I did get it go through on 'zero' I was charged for one extra page. That didn't fill me with confidence. The report was sent through in 14 days, as promised, and that was good. The assessment itself was a little disappointing. Not in the essence of what was said, but in the poor way it was written. As a screenwriter I'm told to watch spelling and grammar. To make sure I get it absolutely right. That clearly doesn't apply to the script editor who reviewed my screenplay. It's frustrating because, yes, I've learnt a great deal, but I struggled to get past the poor writing and repetitive use of certain stock phrases. I probably will use Industrial Scripts again but I'm not feeling as positive as I thought I would.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
The feedback provided felt like the author was trying to hit his/her/their prescribed number of words/pages. The resulting script analysis came off as being belabored, convoluted, and hard to read. Additionally, I got the sincere impression that the analysis author was not a fan of the (hybrid) genre. I submitted the same 1st draft to 8 different resources (based on a Google search of Top 5 Script Analysis Services) to do a comparative evaluation of what resources I would consider using for future scripts. Based upon a qualitative value analysis of the quantitative number of notes that I incorporated into the rewrite divided by cost, I am putting together a chart reflecting perceived value of each service. Whereas Industrial Scripts is not all the way at the bottom, someone needs to send in the rescue divers, because Industrial Scripts is drowning. Glug, glug, glug. Sleeping with da fishes. Singing Under The Sea. Wondering why there wasn't room for another person on that floating door.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Industrial Script’s analysis has been far away from their reputation and surprisingly skin-deep. Their approach has been quite dogmatic -all scenarios must(!) comply to a certain prescription! Communication with them is also bad: you have to wait for at least 3-4 days for a response to your messages even if that has to do with an email you should “automatically” receive after submitting your project in order to sign up, but you have never received. But what is really disappointing is that they attempt to apply strict frameworks which supposedly lead to marketability onto a purely creative process; the art of writing.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Thanks for your feedback on our service, and we're sorry we disappointed you. Unfortunately your project required a vast amount of work to reach a market-ready level and this was reflected both in our original report, and in the detailed follow-up support process, during which our consultant expanded on and supported his findings with additional hard evidence from the script. He did this, in great depth. Once again we're regretful you weren't satisfied with our service, however we have a moral and ethical duty to provide script notes that, whilst constructive, are also honest and don't sugar coat the reality for the client.
Posted 5 years ago
I read the analyst’s (bq9) comments I had some problems with the low ratings on some of the criteria and the overall ‘Low Consider". The overall balance of the 19 pages was mighty unhelpful. First, I can see that many parts of the dialog were memorable because they were repeated back to me over the first 10 pages. It would have been far more useful if the weaker parts were highlighted. Second, the short conclusion told me nothing except "The storyline, however, needs tightened in some areas and perhaps more obstacles/conflicts can be put in the way of Jie and Yong’s release from the commune towards the end.” I am profoundly disappointed. This is a poor IS review. This review is a marked departure in quality from earlier reviews by IS. Paul Gross
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Good afternoon, I would like to thank the reader for their work. However, it feels like they didn't pay much attention while reading. I worked hard to build up my script and it feels like they didn't understand what's my script is about, what I want to achieve. It's maybe my fault. Maybe it's the readers. But unfortunately, I can't really use the notes. I wanted to wait for a little to re-read the notes a couple of times before I submit my review. So, maybe I could find a reason why the reader couldn't understand what I want my story to be about at its core and why I built up the story and every scene the way I did. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a reason. Thank you for your time! Warm regards, Jella Erhard
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
The reader assigned to this script, either mad at having to work over the holiday or outside his preferred genre - very likely action or horror - misinterpreting many aspects; and being unaware that the intelligent viewer does not need and more importantly does not want to have everything explained, took refuge in the rule book, throwing it carelessly at the script. His criticism is so aggressive he can only assume his understanding is absolute, unaware that there are many ways for an actor to interpret the text. He likely struggles to recognise conflict more subtle than kung fu kicks and bullets, and assumes everyone is as pedantic as he is. He left me with the clear impression that I understand rather better than ind scripts how to move forward with the story, and that most of what he said is to be ignored. Of course this in itself is both informative and good to know, but annoying that it cost $160 to find this out.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
I asked in the comment to review my language, as I am not an native speaker alas there was mot a comment on that at all. It seemed the reviewer haven't read all the script and the outline tthoroughly , as there was comment about no motive of the lead charcter "Michael" but the motive was of him acting on behalf of the russians. I ask you to review again.!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Generic coverage that neither highlighted strength nor weaknesses of the screenplay and/or its place in the current market
Helpful Report
Posted 8 years ago
By his own admission the client selected a report type (Dry Run Report) specifically designed not to offer notes to improve the project, per se, but rather deliver a brief, frank, acid test verdict as to whether the script is ready to be submitted to the industry for real. DRRs offer clients a window into a private process they're normally excluded from. Our Film Coverage Report service, by contrast, which delivers c. 6 pages of detailed notes, was his correct choice. We will make the distinction even clearer on the website. The IS Team
Posted 8 years ago
This is a bit of a tough review to write... I've used I.S. for 6 reports on 2 scripts over the past years and while the reports are of high quality, on-time and exceed what they agree to deliver, their later reports have caused me problems and it's on this account that I can only give a 2. (If I could I'd have given 2.5 out of 5 to reflect the 1 positive and 1 negative experience overall - but given the money the reports cost I can't really round upward to just 'normal' as value for money is key for the impoverished writer). On the latest script I received a positive report from them and then a negative one on a second reading, the second reviewer sometimes citing as weaknesses what the first enjoyed as being well-written. While we all know scripts must impress a wide audience of potential readers it's not useful to receive such changeable or contradictory perspectives like this - nothing can be done with them. Despite an email to this effect last time (unanswered) a third report I bought came from the same reader and continues to cite failings in the script in a (sub)genre that I'm not aiming for and as such is of no practical use to me, a waste of money this time. So my humble opinion: The reports are of good quality and the writers undoubtedly dedicated and knowledgeable. Provided you get a reader that understands your creative intent (or is at least prepared to respect it) you'll have a very powerful tool in improving your story but if not then you might just get a report that leaves you with the choice of ignoring it (painful at the price) or face fundamentally changing what you intended to create in the first place. I've had experiences of both with I.S. and though I was as happy in the first case as disappointed in the second, I'd probably still say go ahead to anyone considering their service even if I wouldn't necessarily use them my current project anymore.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 years ago
Industrial Scripts - Screenplay Editors is rated 4.6 based on 718 reviews