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Infinite-Books Reviews

1.4 Rating 64 Reviews
9 %
of reviewers recommend Infinite-Books

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Infinite-Books 1 star review on 25th April 2022
Maaike Van De Pijpekamp
Infinite-Books 5 star review on 18th June 2021
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 25th May 2021
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 25th May 2021
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 12th March 2021
Marco Daane
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 18th September 2020
Diane Shepherd
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 18th September 2020
Diane Shepherd
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
They are selling a pirated version of my book !!! Totally in breach of my copyrights and I don't get paid for the many readers who have read my book on their website!!
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Posted 3 years ago
They are selling book I have on Amazon and offering it at Infinite-Books for free. Pirates!
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Posted 3 years ago
am the proprietor of all copyright in a literary work entitled I have reserved all rights in the Work.Sorrows Path to Peace: A Guided Grief Journal. It has come to our attention that you are selling said work as your own.identical to our copyrighted Work. Permission was neither asked nor granted to reproduce our Work and your Work therefore constitutes infringement of our rights. In terms of the Copyright Statutes, we are entitled to an injunction against your continued infringement, as well as to recover damages from you for the loss we have suffered as a result of your infringing conduct. In the circumstances, we demand that you immediately: 1. remove all infringing content and notify us in writing that you have done so; 2. immediately cease the use and distribution of copyrighted material; 3. deliver-up for destruction all unused or undistributed copies; 4. undertake in writing to desist from using any of our copyrighted Work in future without prior written authority from us We await to hear from you by no later than close of business on ________________ This is written without prejudice to our rights, all of which are hereby expressly reserved. Yours Lucrezia Pierro, author A copy of this email has been sent to my lawyer.
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Posted 3 years ago
They are nothing but pirates. My copyright apparently is irrelevant to them, and I assume their readers are people who feel they have a right to steal the property of others. Authors put a great deal of work into their books and need to be paid. THIEVES!
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Posted 3 years ago
They are internet thieves and sell stolen objects. They offer. an online book that I have written without my and my publisher’s permission which means they are stealing my copyright. Based on the Bern Convention they have no rights to do so. It is a scumback thing that apparently Amazon is facilitating them.
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 12th March 2021
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Posted 3 years ago
I am an author. They list my books and allow people to download them. Thus they may make money off my boos, or they may use them to get other business. But in both cases, they have stolen my work and used it for they own profit. It is theft. They should be put out of business. I give Infinite-Books 1 star because I can not give them 0 stars.
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Posted 3 years ago
The book never came after a month.
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Posted 4 years ago
The book never came after a month.
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Posted 4 years ago
I am an author, this is a pirate site, they never even bother to contact us to request permission. Which means the authors whose works you are enjoying are losing money from the site.
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Posted 4 years ago
I am an author and they have one of my book listed which is infrindging on my copyright. I never gave them permission to sell my digital books. They can purchase my paperback and resell it if they want, but they have no rights to my digital rights. I will be reporting them to the IRS.
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Posted 4 years ago
I wish I’d seen this site before I ordered Medieval Tailors Assistant from this disreputable seller on Amazon for a Christmas present 12/4/20. It was not until after the order was confirmed that they gave shipping as Dec 5-Jan 7th!!!!! My patience has not paid off. On Jan 7,2021 I got message that order would be delivered by 8pm. Just after 8pm message said sorry we’re late package on its way. This morning, after I sent angry message they're saying since they always ship next day and I haven’t received it must be lost and I must be disappointed so they are crediting my card (which, btw, has not yet been done)........how does that solve my problem? Seeing how many same complaints are here why does Amazon continue to let them “sell” on their site 😤😤😤
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Posted 4 years ago
On 1st December 2020, I ordered the Cambridge companion to the Cello from infinite books via Amazon Marketplace. The money was deducted from my bank account on the 2nd of December. By the 18th of December the book has not arrived after being told that it should be with me by the 7th of December. I informed Amazon on the 18th of December that I had not received the book, and fair play to Amazon, Amazon immediately refunded my money. I never received an apology for the non-delivery directly from Infinite Books. Very sloppy service- if you can call it service. Probably best to call it zero service. I suggest that nobody buys any books from them. I challenge them to contact me directly to apologise. They should be easily able to find out who I am because I have given the title of the book above.
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Posted 4 years ago
Never NEVER give these guys your money. Damaged tatty scribbled on books . Very poor and no aftercare . See attached pics. This was a supposedly new book that I paid too cash for - this is the condition it arrived in . Awful . AWFUL Order 026-3713051-5020369
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Posted 4 years ago
They never delivered my package, ordered it two months ago and still haven’t received anything. They don’t answer my emails so I can’t get a refund. NEVER ORDER FROM THIS HORRIBLE COMPANY!!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Ordered a book from these clowns & was told it had Ben dispatched & would arrive 4th Nov, it’s now the 13th & still not received my package Have asked for a refund but they can’t do a refund because the book has been dispatched 🤬
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Posted 4 years ago
One star because i can't give less. Ordered 4 sept now 6 aug. No tracking info. Rubbish company. My advice to other mugs, DO NOT ORDER FROM THEM.
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Posted 4 years ago
Ordered a cookbook from this company. It arrived very badly damaged and gave every indication of being 2nd hand/used. On querying this, they had the cheek to offer 30% off, despite being told it was a gift. Eventually received a refund through Amazon and have subsequently complained to them about the company.
Infinite-Books 1 star review on 18th September 2020 Infinite-Books 1 star review on 18th September 2020
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Posted 4 years ago
Bought a book from you for £6 & when it came it had a sticker on it saying £1.75 cancer research uk!!!!! So you make money from cancer!! I will await your reply before i hand to a journalist friend. Nigel Collins
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Posted 4 years ago
I'm in total agreement with Doris Lin regarding the fact that there is no validation as to the carrier. Why would we contact the carrier in the 1st place? It's not their fault that infinite books can't ship things in a timely manner. I'm told that I may have to wait 5 weeks for a paperback! Ordered on 4-25, delivery by 5-28! Really? And don't use this "virus" as an excuse. Please!
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Posted 4 years ago
One month prior mI ordered a book through Amazon on Infinite Books, was told the delivery would be April 21, 2020, Amazon says 'shipped' but I have not gotten it, contacted Infinite Books, they send me a general letter to contact the carrier. I cannot track this delivery as I do not know which carrier they used. Very strange way by Amazon to state that. Not sure how Infinite is sending out their books, but just put it in an envelope would have been sufficient to send it even during Corona virus time. I live in a safe area and never had problems getting my stuff through Amazon
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Posted 4 years ago
Infinite-Books is rated 1.4 based on 64 reviews