Jens Hansen have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
Excellent craftsmanship at a great price. Shipped quickly, with the correct product and size, and importantly, safely and securely.
- Kyle F
Quality jewelry for a great price. Fast delivery.
Happy customer.
- Bobby B
Excellent product quality and price, very fast shipping. Overall I was very satisfied with the product!
- Michela Q
We received the ring on time, as promised. Delivery and customs clearance went smoothly. The design and quality are excellent. Highly recommended, always happy to order again
- Anonymous
A superbly professional service, giving me peace of mind and a sense of closeness to the production and delivery process that was followed up by a lot of detail.
- Harry N
Delivery respected, special intructions asked respected.
Our exchange by email was good.
Thank you
- Joris M
High quality products, excellent customer service, just hope for bigger sizes.
- Yun W
A superbly professional service, giving me peace of mind and a sense of closeness to the production and delivery process that was followed up by a lot of detail.
- Harry N
Beautiful ring. Great customer service. Thank you so much!
- Rebecca S