“Waste of my time. The old hook game. Lure you in with innuendo’s of meeting, pleasure possible long term relationships. They keep luring you to see pictures that cost credits. Then to get to chatting it costs more money. A typical night could cost you close to $100. Pretty but not worth the money.”
“At the beginning of being on this page; I thought it was a total scam, but over time I have been wrong and the truth is I retract the times I have spoken badly about this site.
The only negative thing about this is that it is very expensive to chat.
And I say these words since I managed to talk to a woman; It was very complex to be able to do it but I did it.”
“I agree this site is total scam. The women are mostly from Colombia. I spent a lot of money and women what to say to you to take advantage especially with older men like me. I got out today and I am glad”
“Es cierto es un scam, coincido con muchos aquí. Son un moneymaker, y con la persona con la que estuve comunicandome (economista) tampoco tiene WhatApp ni puede comunicarse por email. Que pena que exista este tipo de dating side donde le roban el dinero a las personas. Esto es ilegal.”
“This is pure fake,phoney and a total scam, cost to much and you will spend alot of money
There so many fake profiles if not all
I have chatted with two different women within a minute or two, and how is it possible they both asked and said the exact same thing word for word
Don't use this site. Just some one sitting in some room with a group of others taking turns answering our questions, not real”
“This is a terrible site! Put your information in and get many daily emails from people you are not interested in. Plus, after a few minutes of communicating with anyone of these so-called, interested parties, the site asks you for money to keep communicating. Save your money go to another site. finally, tried to cancel many times, but they refuse to do so.”
“I finally figured it out. The girls use pretty much the same script to keep you online to use up credits. It’s just s job. Things are hard in Columbia and Venezuela. It’s up to you how much you want to pay for entertainment. But you would NEVER find a wife there. Or maybe you might get lucky. You never know what money can do.”
“I understand that everyone wants to make money, but are any of the women on this site interested in a relationship? How hard is it to just to be honest? Take a look at “Orlany and Alexandra’s) post below. Two different women same prepared script.”
“No real people connections, I live in north America, there is no chance to have a girlfriend experience in person.
I ended up posting that I wanted a wife and life partner, and that did it... messages tuned off 95%...lol. total scam...”
“I was interested in a ladies’ profile. So I realized she was a psychologist from Columbia. Then I saw that she was 18 years old. Hmmmm, maybe she went to university when she was 12 years old. I’M VERY IMPRESSED. THIS SITE SHOULD BE
Here’s your 18 year old psychologist:”
“i have fun on this site when I get bored at home. I have never spent a penny. It is obviously a scam. These "woman" don't need to be on a dating site. They would be gobbled up in the streets of Bogota. Here is how I play the game.
I set up a profile, no picture of course. The site gives you 20 free credits...around 10 chat messages. I pick out one person, usually a 25 year old Doctor or Lawyer. I start a conversation. I ask very direct specific questions, like. "Where did you go to law school or what hospital do you work at" Of course I never get a specific answer. Than I slowly get a bit more personal. I say you have lovely eyes or an amazing ass or tits. About half the responses turn a little bit naughty if you catch my drift. More times than not, they will send me a video or mail message, which costs mucho credits.
The other 50% (non-sexual) drag out the conversation. "I want to get to know you better" If you ask for their outside information they will respond " I feel safe her and I don't know you well enough".
Anyways, as I am approaching the end of my 20 free credits, I explain that I don't think it is fair for me to pay to talk to you and you don't have to pay to talk to me. I then give them a code and explain I am going to get a new profile tomorrow,and you will know it's me because I will give you the code. At that point they say, I want you to continue with this profile. I reply that if you want to continue you will need to know worry about how we communicate but rather you know it is me who is returning.
The next day I set up a new profile, with the 20 free credits and reply the game. I enjoy the explanations they give as to why they cannot give you any outside information. Some of the excuses are extremely comical.. Usually, when I call back the next day, even with the same profile info, they know it is a new profile. I am not sure how they know. Everything I enter is identical. Anyways, when I come back, they usually block me. Even though we had a very nice conversation the day before”
“When I found the site it seemed to goo to be true. All the women mainly Colombian and drop dead gorgeous. All were doctors or lawyers, a few were teachers and dance instructors. I purchased the special 150 credits for $20’. Went through that with two woman like it was nobodies business. Spoke with Veruska who said she was in Denver Colorado. Asked her multiple times to get off the site and go to google chat, she came up with as soon as we get to phase 2 I can meet you on google chat. I asked how long to get to phase 2 because this credit BS was expensive. She never answered that question. I spoke with another gorgeous lady, Aracelly, she was super nice and professional. I asked her if there were no men in Bogota that wanted to date her and have a lasting relationship. She said all the men in Colombia live for the moment and have no plans for the future. I asked if she had a Instagram account or Facebook and she said that she does not use social media. Assuming she was Colombian I sent her a text in Spanish and she understood why I was so delayed, but she responded all of this in English which seem odd to me being that Spanish is their native language. Anyway this site is slap full of supposedly Colombian women that are drop dead gorgeous. If you want to window shop and not buy anything the enjoy yourself. However if you start buying the credits you are going to throw a lot of money away and you are not going to get a date. Is it a rip off site? Yes it is! Is it a scam? Yes it is! It is plane expensive and the ladies are not going to contact you off site. I left both ladies that I was taking to a last message and said. This site is to rich for my blood so if you want to keep speaking with me here is my email, Instagram and Facebook accounts. If you are reslly daring FaceTime me on Instagram. So guys buyer beware. Hope this review helps.”
“A total scam across the board.
You have to buy credits over and over instead of one payment plan
It adds up and you can end up paying hundreds in just one month if you want to chat with the ladies which by the way a lot of times are just fake profiles.
Most of the ladies in this site are just expecting gifts that you purchase and that can add up too.
Who wants to spend $50 in just a few minutes every time.
It is a SCAM don't fall for it you are better off with a known proven dating site that requires one payment and have a variety of plans you can choose from.
AVOID La-date