“My lashes stay on MAX 2 days which makes them very expensive since I basically use a full set at once. I like the way they look but they don’t Tay on I even bought the stronger bond”
“My lashes stay on MAX 2 days which makes them very expensive since I basically use a full set at once. I like the way they look but they don’t Tay on I even bought the stronger bond”
“My lashes stay on MAX 2 days which makes them very expensive since I basically use a full set at once. I like the way they look but they don’t Tay on I even bought the stronger bond”
“My favorite! I love how easy the bond is I love the new look of the brush how it’s at an angle it does help with putting it on. I have so many gossamer, I can say I’m addicted.”
“I am a very low maintenance person and don't wear too much makeup. The A lashes are perfect for me. they look like my own, are easy to put on and give me a confidence boost! Best investment ever!”
“This system is true to its word in about 6 months I haven't had any lash damage and I absolutely love the feather light gossamers, the starburster probably one of my favorite lashes and I love that I can actually wear the length 18 when I normally can't.”
“I absolutely love the four compartment storage cases I have four now I've gotten my sister a couple they're so handy for pieces and storing used lashes in an organized way.”
“There was a lot of confusion initially over which control kit I was trying to get I also ended up paying for FedEx shipping somehow the website walked me into that?? I order online all the time so I’m very familiar with technology but I was told later that I could’ve had free shipping… so I got the wrong lashes went back-and-forth with the concierge they stepped up and finally gave me a credit to get the other lashes but overall I’m finding the process of getting them to stick very difficult. I didn’t know that an investment of this much money would result in hours an hours of trying to get them to stay so I’m not blown away maybe once I get the hang of it I’ll be a fan.”
“For the price I don’t know if I would say Lashify is always worth it, I’ve tried almost everything and can not seem to get them to stay longer than 2 days, I don’t get my eyes wet really, I don’t sleep on my face, I follow instructions perfectly and even bought the stronger bonder. I love the look of them, and that they aren’t damaging and I like that if I want to look good for 2 days I can but I wish they would last longer. Or be cheaper for a set. I find that if my eyes water at all which they usually do in mornings, they loosen up way too much And don’t really re fuse”
“I think Lashify is amazing, better and cheaper than extensions. It does take a learning curve, but it’s achievable. My one problem is that I wish they would send you samples of the 3 basic starts to see what better fits your eye. It took 3 orders for me to find the perfect length and curl for my eye shape.”