“Very happy with the result! Love Thrive has helped us to stay on track in keeping our relationship quality high. It would have been perfect with a few more interactive features.”
“I truly feel like our relationship is more solid and resilient than I could ever imagine.
Apps-Yeah, right. I mean, Love Thrive's Emotional Connection Pyramid actually works.”
“There is no denying that our relationship is getting better and now we stick to each other more than ever before. Thanks to Love Thriv we are closer.”
“It is because of With Love Thrive that we could find a new way to enhance our emotional attachment. It's a very great platform, though some sections could be covered in detail. Highly recommended.”
“The Emotional Connection Pyramid has been particularly instrumental in building Trust. A little more fun activities are welcome, otherwise a wonderful tool.”
“Me and the spouse joined Love Thrive as a means to reinforce our intimacy. We were absolutely amazed by the number of activities and tools provided. In particular, the guided journaling prompts have been things we love because you really can see what so much of it shows about our feelings and desires.”
“We found Thrive to be a game-changer because of how much it values security and trust. The affirmations and the regular check-ins have really helped to establish this environment where it's acceptable to be who we are. Definitely five stars!”
“I commonly refer my clients to Love Thrive. I just find it amazing how this platform rounds out attachment styles and communication patterns so well.”
“Skeptical at first, but Love Thrive seriously improved my dating life. It really made me reflect on my past relationships and find some patterns. This tool is my best friend now. Thanks!”