“My experience was amazing. The staff in Mexico City went above and beyond what I could have ever imagined. They treated us like family from day one. It was definitely worth making the trip down there. I was very impressed by everything about the organization.”
“The man sound fake and rehearsed. In they try to do is get you to spend money by writing letters you have to pay to read. Total waste of time and money. Do not recommend !”
“The things that really surprised me at the Mexico City socials was how many really pretty women there were. I tell you the best thing is get involved. The women want to dance with you, they'll come up to you wanting to be with you, so it was very fun. It was nice feeling to be wanted. It made me feel like I was the King. If it’s your first tour, Mexico is probably the best place to go. It's obviously going to be a little bit closer for your flight, so that's a good thing, but the women are very responsive to foreign men. They want to know about what my life is like, they wanted to know about my family, so it just made it so comfortable for me.”
“Total scam I gave my WhatsApp number to several just to see the response and they collectively said wait let’s get to know each other first!!! I believe all the women get paid for this scam. The one star is one too many…”
“Total scam with never any intention or option for meeting any of the women. As far as I know the site is safe as far as hacking your bank account or your credit card but watch out because they will suck you in so fast. We do cyber security and this is one of the sites we were contracted to do from one of our banking clients. Just be careful.”
“They promised a guaranteed return on my investment but after investing my life savings, I got nothing in return. They seemed legitimate at first, but it was all a scam. I urge people to stay away from awful platforms and not risk their hard-earned money like I did. Report scam to Mr. Sharon Oneil via Email
“It seemed everyone want to “get to know you” on the site. The ladies had no intention of open communication or meeting, it also appears everyone is a professional like a doctor or lawyer. It is a huge waste of time and money. The women all look the same which you will get what if you check out the site. It is a scam”
“The socials in Mexico City were very interesting. There were plenty of beautiful women so it was a little overwhelming. But the amount of opportunities you had were just incredible. For me, I absolutely enjoyed it. I wish I could have been able to spend more time at each table. There was so many options that I felt overwhelmed at times in a good way. The women are really gorgeous, with a natural innocence and sweetness to them.”
“I just returned from Cancun after spending a week with a special lady I met. She is the best of any woman, I’ve ever met! What a personality - very caring, affectionate, intelligent, genuine, and made me feel like a King! We’re doing the paperwork to apply for a K1 Fiance Visa. I’ve never felt better or been more positive about anyone as much as I am about her. It would’ve never happened with out you guys. Thank you so much for presenting me with the opportunity to meet this wonderful woman!”
“Dating in the western world nowadays, has been labeled as a complete disaster because of social media and dating sites catering to the "hook up culture". I wish I had come to a social from this organization before. As they say, "Better late than never." The Mexico City socials were a nice blend of site seeing and dating people from another country. Thanks to the entire staff for making this event something to remember! It was a lot of fun and I hope to do it again!”
“The hotel that they picked for the tour was fantastic, and so was the service of the agency in Mexico City. There were a lot of different types of ladies at the socials, different countries, different ages, a lot of diversity. It was really very efficient and good value for your dollar, because how else are you going to meet 200 women in a week that are marriage-minded and attractive anywhere else? And besides that, you get to travel at the same time and experience a new country.”
“I would literally rate the overall experience on the tour an A+, and I scrutinize everything a lot. But it was fantastic down there and it's like all that you make it. Don't go there with a closed mind or past traumas with American girls and relationships. Go with an open mind and be open to something different. Of course, the culture is different, but if you come here with an open mind you can have a better experience and it will show.”