“The perpetrators called miner-house.com will take all you have and will not give you anything back! They charged me for my miner and sent nothing at my house!”
“Knowing how to spot red flags is crucial but simple once you know what to look for. A big tip is to read reviews like mine that will tell you determine if miner-house.com did an criminal act and have defrauded some previous customers. They took my purchase value and i never saw my miner delivered!”
“It is extremely difficult and rare to get your money returned to you after you’ve been ripped off online, but if you report the vendor to the police theres a little chance you get your purchase amount refunded! I reported miner-house.com for not sending my product and im hoping to the best!”
“When you make a purchase online and your item does not arrive , you are entitled to request a refund from the seller. I asked miner-house whats happening with my product by mails to which no one ever answered again!”
“Buying merch from this vendor will be one of your biggest mistakes youve made, because they dont deliver what you have already purchased! I am waiting my miner for more than three months”
“For anyone dont still know non-delivery one is the Internet fraud that miner-house.com is using to lure people like me into investing and then tricking them with the amount they have sent. They took the amount i gave them for GPU Mining Rig and covered themselves without further email answers!”
“I should have read the customer complaints earlier before sending them money. Now my money are being taken away from me and the seller just vanished and stopped any type of communication, even blocked me out of their site.”
“Be extremely wary about giving money to anyone upfront, especially a stranger, for any reason. Unless you want your money be stolen and receive nothing then come on, order from here. Buy from here and see what will happen!”
“Fraudsters like this seller seek victims! They make fake websites to catch unsuspecting people like me in their fraudulent non-delivery trap. I payed for goods that never came.”
“Always remember: fraudsters are cunning and clever. They know how to manipulate you to produce the response they want from the you, for example taking your money and delivering nothing. They didnt deliver anything from the things i bought from them.”
“Frauds like the ones deceive good people into losing money for nothing. I payed and received nothing. I reported you to the police so be aware that there will be investigation against you.”
“The Police website provides information to assist in combating frauds, so i immediately informed them that this provider does not deliver! I have payed for some goods that never came.”
“Dont trust this site and dont buy from here. Once a payment is made, you will either not receive the item or they will start lying why they are delaying the sending of the goods and then disappear, like they did with me.”
“This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use the internet. A few simple security measures can reduce your chances of becoming a victim to a non delivery fraud - like this seller does with its clients.”
“There are some simple precautions that would have kept me safe online if i have followed them. For example reading the reviews. I didnt do it so they didnt deliver anything and just took my cash and ran away.”
“If you’re purchasing from a company for the first time, do your research and check reviews, to be sure who you’re buying from. I didnt receive anything and lost money because i neglected collecting additional information about the provider.”
“Beware of scammers when shopping online. Scammers may advertise really low prices using a fake website. They will take your money and never deliver any of the products, like they did with me.”
“Scammers use the latest technology to set up fake retailer websites that look like genuine online retail stores. They may use sophisticated designs and layout. Nevertheless change the shop, because those guys sent me nothing.”