“Very good product range it’s unbelievable away from your phone send call a not as good as a actual iPod but good nevertheless lacking base but as for functionality spot on”
“These appear nearly identical to a well known brand. Pairing just worked without reading instructions.Music sound quality clear, bass not exceptional but ok. Use equaliser In Spotify to improve. Good value even better if you get 50% signup code”
“This service was excellent my second purchase and everything was fast and efficient
We are delighted with the buds and our second purchase will be Christmas gifts for our grandchildren
Very happy with everything”
“Absolutely perfect. Not a bad thing to say about them. The sound quality is top notch and they have quick charging and last a long time definitely worth the money and more.”
“These are actually very good. I was a little skeptical at first when ordering but actually they have turned out to be brilliant. Very much recommend.”