Here in India octafx operates for a long time already. In fact it is very popular among us. I am seeing traders from all around the world however. Octa is international, yes. They have got new features now like their own platform OctaTrader, but they are operate for a very long time–lots of research and help for traders. I use it and they work well.
You can check their website to be sure, but I believe that they are. I use the octafx copy trading tool they have from my home country, and I know at least 2 other guys that use it from different countries. They’re site is in a bunch of languages, as well. I have no complaints about their platform–seems to be legit.
Yes they are working internationally. I talk to their customer support when i first start trading, and they are fast to answer any questions. They have site in many language, and i use in my native tongue; they are communicating with me in that language. I ask about octafx copy trading as a new tool to try. I watch material for education on trading from octafx too. Good support.