“Do not send any money to this fraudulent website. Once they have gained your trust, they will take 70% of the remaining funds in your wallet. You may feel pressured to transfer larger amounts in an attempt to save money, only to find yourself bankrupt. After reporting the issue to Morris Meihua..Email 📧 ( m o r r i s m e i h u a @ g m a i l . c o m )
WhatsApp:: + 1 ( 559 ) 214 - 9914 ....They assisted in reclaiming my capital and returning my profits in a matter of days.”
“Sharna has been absolutely amazing!
After explaining all the trouble I've had with a previous supplier, sharna was quick to advise how much lower I could be paying based on my current usage. Switching over to octopus was a no brainer”
“Changing to Octopus was made easy by MO who was most helpful and patient. I felt confident that I had received all the necessary information I needed and in a clear unfussy way. NO JARGON!”
“Thanks to Alex at Octopus who helped me switch suppliers. Superb customer service approach. Answered all my questions; good product knowledge and excellent listening skills . Thank you very much.”
“Great interpersonal communication throughout the call, had me laughing heartily by the end of it.
All matters dealt with, tariff explained, terms explained, payment made.
Based on this call I will be swapping my home account to Octopus. Thanks Thomas.”
“Very quick and helpful switching me over but useless since.
The display unit has not worked since installation which we need to monitor our usage as we are OAPs.
After many conversations during one of which I was told to check the meter which requires a chair to see and I am 79 years old. Were they interested? No.
Avoid them like the plague.”
“Really friendly and helpful Connor talked me through swapping from EON to Octopus. Having given him the MPAN number he confirmed he could see we have already given notice to EON we are leaving. We agreed a fixed term for 2 years. We are a registered Charity and Connor has sent me all the documentation I need and to complete the VAT and CCL Exemption Certificate.”