The website is great. The android app is VERY buggy. Not very user friendly at all, especially on a tablet. You need to improve on that front. Further, all features such as notes are unavailable on the app. A lot of students may not have access to PCs and Laptops and a cheap android tablet may be their only access point. It is imperative that you make sure you can provide for them especially when paying (no small amount for many) for this service! Else, excellent videos, very appreciated!
posted 3 years ago
- Jason Sequeira
Fabulous service
posted 3 years ago
- Sourav Chandra
I love the service.
posted 3 years ago
- Anonymous
Thank you for your great service, there are somethings that can make the experience better such as matching the design of the website with the app
And providing pdf lectures that can read with the videos ,
Thank you
Ali Sabah
posted 3 years ago
- Ali Sabah
Excellent service!
posted 3 years ago
- Rosa Frias
Great service!
Please add more clinical reasoning topics; specifically to primary care, emergency medicine, and/or urgent care
posted 3 years ago
- Julio Perez
Love the service thank you!
posted 4 years ago
- Josh Stadler
The videos are great I think it’s a great service. I would definitely recommend it to a friend.
posted 4 years ago
- Elizabeth Walsh
It' a great service. i would suggest it to my students and my collegues
posted 4 years ago
- Alberto MIlan
Good morning, I recently purchase Osmosis review from your company and was having great service, but recently i found that when i attempt to put on my mobile devise, there appear to be some issues, it freeze and no volume, can you please advise?
posted 4 years ago
- Charmaine Shaw